Tuesday, January 19, 2010

YouTube's biggest star

I wouldn't know this if I hadn't searched for video from 1945 for my This Week in 1945 feature at Just One Bad Century.

YouTube's biggest star is Adolf Hitler.

There are literally thousands and thousands of different videos featuring Hitler, mocking Hitler, using Hitler as a comic foil, and yes, even Lego Hitler. Have you seen them?

You've probably seen a number of different versions of that subtitled scene from the Hitler movie, where Hitler is in the bunker and gets the news that the end is at hand. But have you seen Hitler singing?

For my money, these are the most inspired. This morning I was looking for a clip of the Jefferson's theme song because the show premiered exactly 35 years ago today. Guess who I found singing that song?

Yup. Here it is. This is pretty darn funny.

Hopefully I haven't been put on some sort of a government watch list for posting this (not to mention watching a hundred or so others).