The show premiered on this day in 1963. When I lived in Germany this show was on every afternoon, and I became a big fan (ten years after it was a hit here). I just watched the video of the opening credits, and I can guarantee you I'll be singing this line in my head all day long: "That's Uncle Joe, he's moving kinda slow at the Junction. Petticoat Junction."
I liked Uncle Joe, but I preferred Betty Jo, Bobby Jo, and especially Billy Jo. There were three different actresses that played Billy Jo, and I liked all three of them, but the best one was the last one: Meredith MacRae. (Meredith, unfortunately, passed away in 2000).
I know what you're thinking: Nobody should know this much about Petticoat Junction. Granted, but you have to remember that we were starving for entertainment in Germany. And by the way, watch the video below. I was a teenager, and you can imagine how much I loved that opening petticoat scene with the sisters.