Tuesday, February 01, 2011


We're expecting up to two feet of snow in Chicago today.

I went to the grocery store yesterday and it felt like one of the Mad Max movies--the aisles were so jam-packed with people hording supplies that I literally had to bypass a few of the aisles because the traffic wouldn't allow another shopping cart.

Sorry kids, no chips this week.

So, my fellow Chicagoans. How are you planning on handling this? You can't wait for it all to fall before shoveling. I'm thinking of trying to pull it off in three shifts. The first one will be later this morning.

Then, when the boys come home they get second shift.

And then the third and nastiest shift (most of the snow is coming tonight) will fall to your humble basement blogger (just before bedtime.)

Somewhere along the way I've got to help my mom too.

Back surgery will be scheduled for next week.