Monday, May 05, 2014

Just One Bad Century--May 5

The Cubs won their first series of the year over the weekend, and the victim was the Cardinals. Next up: The White Sox. The schedule for the Cubs actually looks pretty tough over the next few weeks. So buckle up.

This Week in 1945 was posted over the weekend. It was a HUGE week in 1945--V.E Day (Victory over Europe). We give you the Tribune headlines, tell you where the Cubs were, and even throw in a bonus video of Hermann Goering after he was captured.

Today's Cubs birthdays also have a 1945 flavor. The last surviving member of the 1945 Cubs, Lennie Merullo, is celebrating a birthday today. That's why we're also featuring video of the 1945 World Series in the A/V Club.

Today's historical event is the Allies ending their occupation of Germany (10 years after the war ended). Where were the Cubs?

And Today in Wrigley history goes back to a very memorable game in 1950. It involves a chunk of chew, and a player who spewed.