Monday, August 25, 2014

As The Rupert Turns

There's an excellent piece in the Sydney Herald this morning that quotes from a new book "Hack Attack". The book is about the phone hacking trial that has cost Rupert's company nearly $600 million. (Photo: Rupert Murdoch)

One of the most interesting passages to me is this one about father (Rupert) and son (James) having a meeting to repair their relationship. (James was overseeing the UK properties when all of this phone hacking stuff went down)...

The book says an attempt to repair the relationship between a father and son "effectively at war" resulted in an ultimatum by Murdoch senior, and James eventually being given the title of deputy chief operating officer and moving from London to the US.

But advisers first needed to find a setting for the detente: Rupert Murdoch wanted it to be held in New York; James was pushing for London.

"The advisers moved in like a flock of nannies dealing with kids fighting over a toy and are said to have finally succeeded in persuading the two to meet in the middle – literally in the middle, of the Atlantic. In the Azores," the book states.

"So it was, according to two sources, that the old man and the pretender flew in to the remote islands from their respective encampments, and the old mogul took charge and dictated his terms: 'You are coming to New York. Nobody else is going to run Europe and Asia because it's being disbanded. And if you don't agree, you're fired.' "
Just your typical father-son relationship.