Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Publishing Portal--7-16-24

The latest news from Eckhartz Press, and a chance to peek into some of the great previous offerings from our humble little publishing company.


=Thrilled to announce our latest book--Jim Slusher’s “Letter To Readers” column has appeared weekly in the Daily Herald of suburban Chicago since July 15, 1999, providing insights into the decision making of editors and behind-the-scenes descriptions of their work. In tones ranging from deeply serious to engaging humor, this collection from 25 years of the column examines themes of trust, determination and community that define the relationship between a local daily newspaper and its audience. And it offers glimpses in real time of transformative changes affecting the newspaper industry. It's available for pre-order now. The book ships in August.


*Happy Birthday!

=Eckhartz Press author Kim Strickland is celebrating a birthday this week (July 16). Kim wrote the novel Down at the Golden Coin for us back in 2012. It was the second book we ever published. (If you ever meet her, say "I hear that your publisher Rick is significantly younger than you." She loves hearing that.)

Last Comiskey

=Great review by WTTW of our summertime book Last Comiskey by Ken Smoller. Here's a little taste of it...

How can dispirited White Sox fans restore their faith, with 69 losses before the All-Star break and a “wait ‘til next decade” aura around the team? They might find solace by embracing memories of a beloved ballpark. “Last Comiskey” is a book-length valentine for a place once called the “Baseball Palace of the World.” An affectionate account of the last season at Comiskey Park, the book also recalls monumental moments from the 1970s and ‘80s.

Joe Jackson vs. Chicago American League Baseball Club

=Earlier this year Eckhartz Press released a trial transcript from the Joe Jackson trial, which hadn't been seen in 100 years. It has been devoured by the baseball scribes around the country. The Plaintiff in that trial, Shoeless Joe Jackson, was born this week (July 16) in 1887.

=By the way, this story is just as timely today as it was then, as co-editor Jacob Pomrenke recently pointed out on Twitter...

Talking Bout My Generation

=This week in 2022 (July 19), author Will Wagner got to hold the first copy of his book Talking Bout my Generation, hot off the press. It's the sort of day every author remembers forever.


=The very next day (July 20, 2022), fellow Eckhartz Press author Judy Ann Jamerson got her first copy of the novel Belle. There's a reason why we take photos of those momentous events.

1001 Train Rides in Chicago

=This week in 2018, Richard Reeder's book 1001 Train Rides in Chicago (July 14) was released by Eckhartz Press. Here's a Q&A with the author discussing the book's release. Richard's launch in Evanston (July 15) was a memorable party.



=This week in 2018 (July 18), the first edition of Cubsessions came out, and the authors Randy Richardson and Becky Sarwate had a special night at the Book Cellar in Chicago.

=The following year (July 19), Club 400 threw a big Cubs party, and every single person there got an autographed copy of the second edition of Cubsessions. Among the honored guests that night, former Cubs PA Wayne Messmer, and former Cubs Carlos Zambrano and Willson Contreras.

Surviving Sue

=Another great review this week of Vicki Atkinson's book Surviving Sue. This one comes from the Life with Alegria blog. Here's a portion of it...

There is so much to the story that spans the decades of Sue’s life and thus Vicki’s, and I don’t want to provide any spoilers. The insights you gain will be yours and there will be many. The inspiration of experiencing another warrior’s story is cathartic. And the gentle removal of tissue paper like layers is a gift that allows us to see more clearly beneath the fragilities and frailties of human complexities.

=Life with Alegria also created this video...

Chili Dog MVP

 =This week in 2022, Chili Dog MVP authors John Owens and David Fletcher appeared at Blue Island Brewing Company and were interviewed by the Sox in the Basement podcast.

Write City Review, Volume 3

 =This week in 2020, the third volume of the Write City Review was released. The book is currently sold out, but boy what a memorable cover it had.

Lost in the Ivy

=This week in 2014, Randy Richardson was in the midst of his publicity tour for his murder-mystery novel Lost in the Ivy. He appeared on All Write Already, the Chicago Center for Literature and Photography podcast, was featured in Wrigleyville Nation, and made the trek down to Beverly to appear at the Beverly Arts Center. Despite being a Cubs fan (and setting his murder mystery in Wrigleyville), Randy is originally a Southsider. Despite being born a north sider, moderator Penny Golden is a die-hard Sox fan. Made for an interesting discussion. (That's Penny holding Randy's book)

We Have Company

=If you're a rock star and you've never been interviewed by Bobby Skafish, are you really a rock star? Three of the stars featured in Bobby's book are celebrating birthdays this week, Jackson Browne (July 14), Joe Satriani (July 15), and Stewart Copeland (July 16).

=This week in 2017, Bobby appeared at the Record Mart in Hillside to tout his book. 

Always a Pleasure

=White Sox announcer Steve Stone is celebrating a birthday this week (July 14). Stone is a big fan of Eckhartz Press author Chuck Swirsky, and provided this quote for Chuck's book...

  • When I first met Chuck I didn’t believe anyone could be that positive and supportive. Add that to enthusiastic and genuine and you have Chuck Swirsky. A great basketball broadcaster and a better man.

    Steve Stone, 1980 American League Cy Young Award Winner, Baltimore Orioles. Chicago White Sox TV baseball analyst.

The Loop Files

=Our best selling book of all-time came out last November, The Loop Files. Three of the contributors to that book are celebrating birthdays this week, including Terry Gibson (July 19), Pugs Moran (July 20), and perhaps the biggest star in the radio station's history, Jonathon Brandmeier (July 15). This is a photo of Johnny performing at his 5th anniversary concert in 1988 along with Newsman/Bluesman Buzz Kilman.

Records Truly Is My Middle Name

=Ten years before The Loop Files was released, John Brandmeier also contributed to the Eckhartz Press book Records Truly Is My Middle Name. His radio idol was John Records Landecker and he told a few stories in the book about that, including this one...

“To me listening to John Landecker was appointment radio. I would look forward to six o’clock every night, just waiting for his show to begin. He didn’t just talk. He had this rhythm in his voice. If Larry Lujack showed us all that it was OK to be yourself on the air, John Records showed us not to forget the showbiz. Records was showbiz. He WORKED the music. He talked in rhythm with the music, on the beats, he became a part of the song. There was no better radio guy, pure top 40 energy, no one better. Name me one guy that was better than John Records. No one was! In the whole country! Let me give you an idea of the kind of impact he had on me. My dad took my brothers and me fishing in Canada. Imagine, we were surrounded by this incredible scenery, breathtaking view, and here I was sitting in the boat with my crackling little transistor radio, waiting for 6:00, so I could hear John Records Landecker booming on WLS. And I heard him too! In Thunder Bay. I heard him. I would have given anything to watch him in action. To me, he was like Wolfman Jack was like to those characters in American Graffiti. I imagined him in this tower somewhere, just mesmerizing us, just bringing it. Man he was the best. I can still hear it in my head. All these years later I can still hear it. That’s the kind of impact he had on me.”

=This week in 2013, Landecker (and co-author Rick Kaempfer) appeared at the Beverly Arts Center to discuss the book...

The Unplanned Life

=This week in 1982, the network television show Real People came to Chicago to do a feature on our fine city. One of the people working in the Mayor's office at the time was author Roger Badesch, who writes about that brush with network television in his book The Unplanned Life.

=This week in 2021, Roger released the audio version of his book. 

Signature Shoes

=One of the first stars to have his own signature shoe was the Romanian tennis player Ilie Nastase. Naturally this week's birthday boy (July 19) is featured in the Eckhartz Press book Signature Shoes.

Transatlantic Passage

=This week in 2021 (July 19), Eckhartz Press author Paul M. Banks sat down for this Q&A about his book Transatlantic Passage. 

Everything I Know I Learned from Rock Stars
=Author Bill Paige appeared on WBEL this week in 2017 (July 20) to talk about his book. 

 Your Dime My Dance Floor

=He was known as "The Good Kid", the Chicago-born long-time Cubs announcer and baseball Hall of Famer Lou Boudreau. Lou was born this week in 1917. He also appears in Chet Coppock's Eckhartz Press book Your Dime My Dance Floor.