Thursday, January 17, 2013

Today's Best Tweets

Here are some tweets that caught my eye today...

Ben White ‏@morningmoneyben
Who among us hasn't had a fake Internet girlfriend die forcing our athletic director into a bizarre prime time news conference? #glasshouses

Michael Tomasky ‏@mtomasky
Thousands of decent young men play college football, get their degrees, live good lives, don't invent fake girlfriends or beat up real ones.

Rob Hart ‏@RobHart1980
There was never a Manti Te'o. His real name is Warren and he lives in Bensenville.

Brian LaPorte ‏@blaporte79
Notre Dame - killing student photographers, covering up rapes, and creating fake girlfriends since 1842 @mullyhanley

Jan Weber ‏@GermanBearsFan
@mullyhanley With the Teo story, Bears PR department could be afraid no journalists will show up today, cause they all went to South Bend.

Buster Olney ‏@Buster_ESPN
The only story as crazy as this Te'o story I can remember was the Nancy Kerrigan/Tonya Harding saga--each detail stranger than one before it

DL Hughley ‏@RealDlHughley
the very ppl who insisted on changing the voter ID laws tho there were very few cases of fraud don't feel the same about background checks?

Michael Cooper ‏@coopnytimes
As Obama calls for background checks of all gun buyers, a new NYT/CBS poll find 9 in 10 gun owners favor it:

Scary Mommy ‏@ScaryMommy
Three Year Olds Are The Same as Asshole Bosses. They really, really are! from @BPMbadassmama

Jim Gaffigan ‏@JimGaffigan
I’m not fat, I have a child bearing stomach.