Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Minutia Men Are Coming!

Thanks so much to Larz at Chicagoland Radio & Media for this nice mention of my podcast Minutia Men, which debuts tomorrow on the Radio Misfits Podcast Network...

* * Rick Kaempfer and David Stern, lifelong friends and Eckhartz Press co-publishers, announced they will be creating a new weekly podcast of their own entitled "Minutia Men." Kaempfer is also the Media columnist for the Illinois Entertainer and longtime Chicago radio producer. The new show is produced by Tony Lossano and his Oppih Productions. Among the regular segments planned for "Minutia Men" include "This Week's Minutia" (small news stories from the week before), "Just One Bad Century" (Cubs talk, based on Kaempfer's website of the same name), "Balds in the News" (Stern's discussion about the follicle challenged), "Celebrity Potpourri" (Kaempfer's brushes with fame stories), "Father Knows Nothing" (humorous parenting stories, based on Kaempfer's book of the same name), and "Million Dollar Idea" (one of Stern's numerous ideas floating around his head). "Minutia Men" episodes will be posted up each Thursday on the Radio Misfits Podcast Network website. The debut episode will be posted on May 5th.