Eckhartz Press author Donald G. Evans's short story collection, An Off-White Christmas, is now available in audio and e-book formats. Two chances, both in Oak Park, to get your signed book before the holidays.
Wednesdays Are for Writers
Wednesdays Are For Writers
7-9 p.m.
Eastgate Cafe
102 Harrison Street
Oak Park, IL 60304
Don and Hannah Jennings will talk about the story collection at this monthly reading series. Admission is free, but everybody who comes is encouraged to spend $10, on food, drink, or some combination.
Nineteenth Century Club’s Enrichment Series
Monday, Dec. 16, 2019
11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
19th Century Club
178 Forest Ave.
Oak Park, IL 60301
The Nineteenth Century Club hosts a staged reading of the story "Bah!", An Off-White Christmas. Some actors who did the exceptional, just-released audio recording of the story collection, including Kevin Theis, Savanna Rae, and Bryan Wakefield, will perform
Reservations are required for the lunch, which precedes the performance. Chicago Literary Hall of Fame, as a co-sponsoring nonprofit organization, is able to offer our audience the member rate of $20 (as compared to the non-member rate of $25) that includes social time (starting at 11:30 a.m.), lunch (noon), program (1 p.m.) and tea (2:15 p.m.). Reservations should be made before Dec. 10. Two options for making making reservations: 1. call the 19th Century Club directly (708.386.2729) and let them know you are taking advantage of the Chicago Literary Hall of Fame's $20 membership rate, 2. email CLHOF or call (773.414.2603) and we'll add you to our list of attendees. For those who can't make the luncheon, there is a suggested program donation of $15. Books will be available for sale.