Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Bald Q & A

I've gotten a few good questions about today's post, so I'll answer them here for all to see.

Q: Why in the world do balding guys even try to do combovers?

Actually this is something Dave has done quite a bit of research on, so I asked him to provide an answer. This is what he said.

"Without getting too technical, there are basically three or four scientific theories to explain this. The most widely accepted is Phantom Hair Syndrome. Similar to amputees who still feel like they have all of their limbs, balding men continue to "comb over" their hair even after they no longer have it. Baldologists call this theory: PHS. The three other theories are NHF, NWA, and NMH."

I had to write him back to find out what those were.

"NHF--No Honest Friends. NWA--No Women Around. NMH--No Mirrors in House."

Q: Is Rick really bald enough to co-write this book?

My answer to that is, my promo picture for the book jacket will be taken from behind to prove my credentials. Dave's answer was the following...

"No. Sometimes you have to make a pact with Satan to get a book deal."

Blog Programming notes:

--A few of you have asked if I ever write things for my kids, and while the answer to that is no, I did once write a children's poem/story before I had kids. I submitted it to a national contest, and somehow won the Grand Prize. I'll post that for you in tomorrow's blog.

--Also, for those of you who don't like the family stuff or the bald stuff, Friday's blog will be for you. Every Friday I'm doing a full recap of the week in news, complete with one-liners and punch lines. It will be posted early enough to use on morning radio (you know who you are--it's OK--it's free) Friday.

--And for those of you who don't think I'm mean enough, Mr. Mean (Dave Stern) gets his chance to guest blog on Saturday. Guest Bloggers coming up in the next few weeks; Radio sportscaster, bon-vivant, and award winning playwright Spike Manton, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famer John Records Landecker, United Airlines pilot and novelist Kim Sargent, Former WCFL radio host Bob Dearborn, and stand up comedian Dobie Maxwell.

--Sunday I'll post my latest Shore Magazine piece "The Santa Threat", and Suburban Man returns next Tuesday with a brand new column.

Keep those comments and questions coming. They are greatly appreciated.