Monday, March 30, 2009

Tudor Role Play?

My friend (actual friend, not Facebook friend) Dave is a recent convert to Facebook, and has discovered a whole weird world out there. Dave likes to "friend" dead people. For instance, he has at least a dozen dead presidents in his roster. (I'm a little pickier than he is...I stole Thomas Jefferson as a friend, but Franklin Pierce just isn't going to cut it.)

Most of these people do it for fun, but some, are deadly serious. His advice: Don't "friend" Anne Boleyn. He commented on her page that she was slightly depressing constantly talking about the way Henry slights her, and she responded thusly...

"If you are not a member of our Tudor role play, then you are asked in future never to comment on a status or post on any active characters wall. This is just a bit of fun for us and we are politely telling those not involved to butt out. Messages may be sent to inboxes only. Failure to adhere to this and you will simply be removed as a friend. Anne Boleyn. England. Uk."

I think Dave would be more upset if he didn't know Anne's eventual fate.