Thursday, September 06, 2018

Under the Radar

Some huge stories understandably dominated the news coverage yesterday, most notably the infamous anonymous op-ed in the New York Times written by a senior White House staffer. That's a historic development.

There was also a very tumultuous (but ultimately always) Supreme Court confirmation hearing. I tried to watch as much of that as I could.

But because of those stories, this one went a little under the radar. You know how Twitter and Facebook have been under a lot of pressure to stop allowing Russian bots and various other forms of hate speech to influence the upcoming election? Well, conservatives now feel that this is somehow attacking them, and led by Attorney General Jeff Sessions (that's right--same guy), they are threatening to crackdown on the crackdown.

Seems like a big story to me. The Justice Department is coming down on the side of the Russians and hate speech. If that's mainstream conservative speech now (as they seem to be implying) maybe it's time for introspection instead.