Tuesday, December 01, 2015

As the Sumner Turns

There was a ruling yesterday in the case of Sumner Redstone's mental capacity. The judge is Clifford L. Klein. The woman suing to reclaim end of life decisions, is his former "romantic interest" Manuela Herzer. From Variety...

Declining to dismiss the case immediately, Klein instead set a Jan. 27 hearing for additional arguments on whether Herzer should be allowed to continue with her attempt to re-establish herself as Redstone’s primary health care agent in the event that he is deemed incapacitated. Klein said there was no evidence of an urgent need for intervention for four reasons: Redstone is seen by his personal physician twice a week; he does not appear to face any immediate critical health-care needs; he has around-the-clock in-home care and he designated a new emergency health care agent as of mid-October — Viacom CEO Philippe Dauman.

That's for real, by the way. Not a single member of his family is willing (or allowed to) make medical decisions, and his "romantic interest" was banished, which leaves only the CEO of his company...to make end-of-life medical decisions. How sad is that? A lifetime of business success, yet Sumner is spending his dying days completely alone. I have a truckload of empathy for just about everybody in the world (it's probably one of my shortcomings--I'm a sucker), but after I read his autobiography, I predicted this is how he would end up. I can't find it in me to feel sorry for him. It would be like feeling sorry for Mr. Potter.