Monday, February 04, 2013

Talk Radio Soften on Immigration

From this morning's Tom Taylor column, a discussion of conservative talk radio's position on immigration...

The Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism says that the day after the election, Sean Hannity reversed course. He said for the GOP to win on the national level again, “we’ve got to rid of the immigration issue altogether…I think you control the border first, [then] you create a pathway for those people that are here." Rush Limbaugh may also be edging in that direction. Last week he said “it’s up to me and Fox News” to hold off what he called “amnesty” - but the next day he was talking in complimentary terms about Marco Rubio. Michael Savage may be the most resistant to change. He recently said “I’ve never heard such malarkey in my life…Amnesty is a big lie.” Count Glenn Beck among the hardliners, too. But the Pew Center says “the united front” of conservative talk radio personalities “seems to have fragmented and softened somewhat, this time around.”

My question is this: How in the world did we allow four blowhard like these guys to have so much influence in the first place?