Monday, April 22, 2013

Barry James

After twenty years as a program director in Chicago (which in radio years is a thousand), Barry James is retiring from the business. From today's RAMP Newsletter...

"After a stellar radio career that spans nearly four decades, Barry James announced he's stepping down as PD of Hubbard Radio's WILV (Rewind 100.3)/Chicago and retiring from the radio industry, effective May 17. That date also happens to mark James' 20th anniversary with Hubbard Radio Chicago (and previous owner Bonneville International Corporation). James was named PD of WTMX (101.9fm The Mix)/Chicago in May of 1993 and went on to serve as PD, VP of Programming and Station Manager of The Mix. He later crossed the hall to WILV as VP/GM, but returned to programming in recent years. James now plans to focus his attention on his other life's passion -- the racing and performance industry. "The stars simply aligned," James tells RAMP. "I've been racing cars and motorcycles since I was old enough to point one down the track, and I've been working with VMP Superchargers/VMP Tuning out of Central Florida, drag racing and doing some R&D for them as a hobby," he explains. "We've managed to do so many great things and now to have a chance to join their team fulltime is just killer. My wife Tiffany and I have discussed this for years, and man -- when you can make a little dough for living out your dream/hobby, it just doesn't get any better," he says..."My time with Hubbard and Bonneville allowed me to spend 20 years contributing to the success of these stations and preparing for a time like this. For this opportunity to come when I could call my 20th anniversary my last day was pretty cool."

His long radio career in Chicago even included an interview in Chicago Radio Spotlight, way back in 2009.