Monday, April 08, 2013

Roger Ebert's Legacy

I've read a lot of really nice write-ups and tributes to Roger Ebert since he passed away last week, but I think this one by David Carr in the New York Times captures a part of Roger that a lot of his friends were talking about over the weekend.

Roger was more than just a film critic or newspaper man. He really was a visionary; an early adapter of all the latest technology throughout his lifetime.

He even converted me to a brand new technology back in 1989 or 1990. He and Gene Siskel were filling in for Steve and Garry on AM 1000 and I was running the control board for them. Roger and Gene were having an off-microphone argument during the commercials about the latest advancement in home video. Roger insisted the videotape would be a thing of the past in no time, and that if Gene and I didn't immediately purchase this brand new technology, we would be left in the dust.

I don't know if he convinced Gene, but he convinced me. I went out and bought one the next day. I still have it in my basement.

Anyone want to come over to my house and watch a laser disc?