From Bob Dearborn's The Olde Disc Jockey's Almanac, this tidbit from 35 years ago today...
January 13, 1979…The Y.M.C.A. filed a lawsuit against the Village People over their song, "Y.M.C.A.," alleging copyright infringement. The suit eventually was dropped.
I've written at least four different parodies of this song, including one for Second City (about Henny Youngman), and two for Landecker & the Legends (including "YDNA"), and when I write a parody I nearly always end up hating the original because I have to listen to it so many times while I'm writing the new lyrics. This song also has to be one of the most overplayed songs in the world--it's still played at every sporting event in America.
But you know what? I still like "YMCA". There's just something irresistably cheesy about it, even without the costumes. I also noticed after watching this video that they didn't do the famous "YMCA" letters while they were dancing. That must have been created spontaneously afterwards by their fans...