Collected and Edited by Rick Kaempfer
Highlights and links to the big stories in the news this week about the media. This column appears twice a week at MEDIA NOTEBOOK
Media Conglomerates Look to Make More Deals
(The Hollywood Reporter) George Szalai writes: "It's the economy, stupid! As media and entertainment conglomerate earnings season kicks into high gear this week, Wall Street will look for signs of how the sluggish U.S. economy has affected sector biggies in the first quarter and guidance on how consumer and advertising spending will play out as the year unfolds. Deal talk also will be a hot topic during earnings calls as Time Warner and Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. have been looking at plays for Yahoo; Murdoch has closed in on a deal for Tribune's Newsday; and Viacom has unveiled its surprising joint venture with MGM and Lionsgate for a premium TV offering."

(New York Post) Keith J. Kelly writes: "Arianna Huffington claims that she was banished from NBC News shows because her new book, 'Right is Wrong,' blasted 'Meet the Press' anchor Tim Russert. Her new book, which is slated to hit later this week carries the sub title, 'How the Lunatic Fringe Hijacked America, Shredded the Constitution and Made Us All Less Safe.' Huffington dubs him 'EZ Pass' Russert because she claims his softball questions give the Washington elite a free wave-through when they appear on his shows. While he may ask a tough opening question, he usually lets his guests dance away from the jabs, she claims. Sources said that Huffington was at a dinner in the home of Barbara Walters on Tuesday night when she heard that word had come down from on high that she no longer appear on NBC or MSNBC, where talk show hosts Keith Olbermann, Joe Scarborough and Dan Abrams were all interested in booking her."
(Rick's note: Still think there is a liberal media?)
The man who goes through the videotape for the Daily Show
(Washington Post) Paul Farhi writes: "Adam Chodikoff, 37, doesn't perform on the show or write the gags that pepper Stewart's take on the day's news. But as the show's chief researcher and video wiz, he's the vital link in the program's comedic ecosystem. Chodikoff's job is to dig through the vast quarry of TV news footage to find the nuggets that form the program's pointed, often eye-opening 'reporting.' In a manner of speaking, he's an investigative humorist. At its best, Chodikoff's work goes beyond satire and into the realm of cold truth-telling. The show has particularly made doublespeak about the Iraq war a continuing theme in a running segment called "Mess O'Potamia." After Vice President Cheney told ABC News last month that "you can't be blown off course" by negative opinion polls about the war, Chodikoff found the perfect counterpoint: Cheney, in a clip from December 2005, justifying the White House's Iraq policy by citing . . . an opinion poll."

The National Association of Broadcasters strain credulity
(TV Week) Broadcasters are warning the Federal Communications Commission against requiring additional local broadcast content or more evidence of local public service during license renewal. Responding to suggestions from consumer groups and some legislators that local content and “public interest” are casualties in media mergers and proposals from the FCC to do more, the broadcasters say there is little evidence of problems under the existing rules, and additional ones are unnecessary and ill-advised... “Burdensome and intrusive regulation cannot be justified by unquantified and unproven suggestions that not all broadcasters are providing some appropriate level of service.” The NAB also argued that serving the best needs of the local community doesn’t necessarily mean doing so with local content.
(Rick's note: My favorite comment: "Local content isn't needed to serve the local community." I'm just happy the NAB has finally taken my suggestion and hired real comedy writers.)

(Radio Online) FCC Chairman Kevin J. Martin might be called to defend his leadership of the agency, according to a report in The Washington Post. A memo obtained by the newspaper from the Commerce and Energy Committee's staff to chairman Rep. John D. Dingell (D-MI) says "that the FCC process appears broken and most of the blame appears to rest with Chairman Martin." Reportedly, Martin has been criticized by the FCC's own staff members for carrying an agenda that included loosening of the newspaper/broadcast cross-ownership ban and a proposed a la carte pricing for cable TV. He's also been accused of suppressing agency studies that didn't support his agenda.
WLS Boss Quits after making cutbacks
(Chicago Sun Times) Robert Feder writes: "Still reeling from budget cuts, massive layoffs and disappointing ratings, news/talk WLS-AM (890) lost its top boss Tuesday. In an unexpected move, John Gallagher resigned after more than three years as president and general manager of the Citadel Broadcasting station. No reason was cited, but sources close to Gallagher said he had been feeling increasing frustration since Citadel took over the station last year from Walt Disney Co.'s ABC Radio. On orders from Citadel last February, he eliminated more than a dozen jobs and virtually gutted the news department."

Hollywood taking sides in Net Neutrality Debate
(LA Times) Jim Puzzanghera writes: "Net neutrality is a complicated issue with a wonky name. But as Congress and the Federal Communications Commission consider banning discriminatory practices on the Internet, the entertainment industry is starting to take notice -- and sides. Major movie studios and record labels are concerned that net neutrality could eliminate a potential tool for fighting online piracy. Meanwhile, independent artists want to ensure that they can disseminate their work freely."

Craig Ferguson to Newsers: "You Cranky, Magnificent Bastards"
(TV Newser) It may have been George W. Bush's final White House Correspondents' Association dinner as president, but Craig Ferguson stole the show. 3,000 people packed the ballroom at the Washington Hilton last night for the annual dinner, where Hollywood met Washington, with a stopover in Glasgow. Unlike some past entertainers, the crowd warmed to Ferguson's performance. The Scottish-born comic took the requisite shots: Vice President Cheney "is already moving out of his residence. It takes longer than you think to pack up an entire dungeon;" about the "feud" between Bill O'Reilly and Keith Olbermann: "What I see is sexual tension;" and at The New York Times who stayed away from this year's dinner: "They felt that this event undercuts the credibility of the press. It's funny, you see, I thought that Jayson Blair and Judy Miller took care of that...Shut the hell up, New York Times, you sanctimonious whining jerks!" Ferguson ended poignantly. Rolling up his speech and jamming it in his breast pocket, he spoke of the pride of becoming a U.S. citizen in February and what he loves most about Americans. "Please, never, ever, ever agree with each other. Never stop arguing, never stop fighting. You cranky, magnificent bastards."
Senate votes to overturn FCC on media ownership
(Bloomberg) Todd Shields writes: "A U.S. Senate committee voted to reverse a federal rule that lets media companies including Tribune Co. and News Corp. own a broadcast station and daily newspaper in the 20 largest markets. The Federal Communications Commission's Republican majority voted in December to allow such combinations. The Senate Commerce Committee voted today to nullify the action. The measure needs approval of both houses of the Democratic- controlled Congress and President George W. Bush's signature. His administration has said the measure faces a veto. The sponsor, Senator Byron Dorgan, a North Dakota Democrat, told reporters the resolution had enough support to pass the Senate and likely the House. It won the committee's support on a unanimous voice vote with members of both parties present."

Jimmy Fallon headed for Late Night
(Variety) Josef Adalian writes: "NBC will officially name Jimmy Fallon as Conan O'Brien's 'Late Night' replacement within the next few weeks, if not sooner, Peacock insiders said Thursday. Net had been planning to introduce Fallon to advertisers at its NBC Universal 'experience,' the May 12 theme park-like presentation at 30 Rock in New York that's taking the place of NBC's traditional upfront. Net is also expected to reveal details of O'Brien's transition from 'Late Night' to host of 'The Tonight Show.'"

TV Crew members still feeling effects of Writer's Strike
(LA Times) Richard Verrier writes: "The writers strike ended two months ago. But many in Hollywood remain on the brink. Some are at risk of losing their homes. Some can't afford groceries. Others have filed for bankruptcy. Still others struggle to work enough hours to hold on to their health insurance. Across Los Angeles, many crew members who work behind the scenes and on the sets of television shows and movies are still quaking from the temblor of the 100-day writers strike that shut down scripted TV production."
Bill Clinton "woefully unprepared for 21st century media"
(Broadcasting & Cable) As NBC News political director Chuck Todd sees it, none has gotten burned by this new-media phenomenon quite like former President Bill Clinton. “It’s fascinating: Nobody’s been a bigger victim of the so-called YouTube moments than Bill Clinton,” Todd said. “I think Bill Clinton was woefully unprepared for 21st Century media.” Although Clinton caught a glimpse of the digital future when he was president and a little-known Internet gadfly named Matt Drudge broke the Monica Lewinsky story, he was never subjected to the kind of unblinking scrutiny of today’s media environment. When Clinton was running for president, Todd said, he and his fellow candidates could misspeak -- and even willfully obfuscate -- with relative impunity. “It was like a Jedi mind trick with him,” he added. “It would take a few days for the media to catch up [and] by then he had moved on.”

RIP: Big Ron O'Brien
(Classic Rock FM) Dan Kelley writes: "I was saddened to learn tonight that Ron O'Brien has passed. I remember him so well from his days at WCFL/Chicago back in the 70s - and later at KFI/Los Angeles (which boomed into Santa Fe when I lived there; and in CQUAM stereo too!). Big Ron was part of an era of Chicago radio of all-star talent. Ron was a fantastic jock who never failed to deliver. Great pipes and energy, tight, yet relaxed and comfortable - combined with great personality. A radio natural."

(Chicago Radio Spotlight) Last weekend I spoke with former WLUP and WMAQ promotional guru, Cindy Gatziolis. Cindy is now the director of the Mayor's office of special events, but she still has many fond memories from her radio career, and great stories about the likes of Larry Lujack, Steve & Garry, and Johnny B. Coming this weekend, an interview with former WLS News Director Steve Scott.