Musings, observations, and written works from the publisher of Eckhartz Press, the media critic for the Illinois Entertainer, co-host of Minutia Men, Minutia Men Celebrity Interview and Free Kicks, and the author of "The Loop Files", "Back in the D.D.R", "EveryCubEver", "The Living Wills", "$everance," "Father Knows Nothing," "The Radio Producer's Handbook," "Records Truly Is My Middle Name", and "Gruen Weiss Vor".
Saturday, November 18, 2017
JRL in Indiana
So, a few years later it was switched back to a Classic Hits format. It remained that until yesterday around 11am, when Entercom officially took control of the station.
Once again, the entire staff was fired and the format was changed to Hip Hop. Poof. Just like that. The call letters will be gone soon too. From Robert Feder's column...
The station will air initially without commercials or announcers. In the coming weeks it’s expected to change call letters to WBMX, evoking the legendary urban contemporary station that aired in Chicago from 1973 to 1988. (The call letters currently are being used by an Entercom station in Boston.)
”The expertise and energy that Entercom brings into Chicago coupled with our all-star programmers will bring incredible new life to this storied frequency,” said Jimmy deCastro, new senior vice president and market manager of Entercom Chicago. “We will be dancing in the hallways with you, Chicago.”
Greg Solk continues as operations manager and program director of WJMK as well as adult album alternative WXRT FM 93.1.
The sudden demise of K-Hits will cost the jobs of morning host Dave Fogel, midday host Brian Peck (who was hired only two weeks ago), afternoon host Jeffrey T. Mason and assistant program director Bob Lawson, in addition to a number of part-time staffers. A new lineup of on-air personalities will be unveiled in January.
It's a rough business.
Taking the station off my pre-sets.
Friday, November 17, 2017
Meet a Legend or Two

Two big appearances this coming weekend. Today (12-4pm) at Galveston Steakhouse in Michigan City with John Landecker selling his HOF edition of "Records Truly Is My Middle Name." On Sunday November 19 (9-noon) with Mitch Michaels Salchow selling his book "Doin' the Cruise" at the Chicagoland Record Collector's Show in Hillside. Come on out and meet a legend or two.
Zero Self Awareness
The Al Frankenstien picture is really bad, speaks a thousand words. Where do his hands go in pictures 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 while she sleeps? .....
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 17, 2017
If there was ever a subject he should keep his twitter fingers away from, this is it.
CBS Radio is no more
End of an era: Broadcast engineer Marshaun Robinson takes CBS Radio sign away @WBBMNewsradio. @MarshaunRob
— Stephen Miller (@ssmiller) November 16, 2017
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Minutia Men, Episode 73
Listen to it here.
26 years
The Hills Are Alive
— Kris Bryant (@KrisBryant_23) November 14, 2017
The Russia Story
I know Thurston Douche the Third and his brother love to hunt the endangered species, but really?
Another Creep Revealed
An anchor from KABC in Los Angeles was the victim. You can read her account here.
Al Franken responds...
Just got a response from @alfranken: "I certainly don’t remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way, but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann. As to the photo, it was clearly intended to be funny but wasn't. I shouldn't have done it."
— Asher Klein (@kleinstar) November 16, 2017
I stopped bidding at $300 million
Christ painting by Leonardo da Vinci sells for record $450 million
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) November 16, 2017
How do you know when your date is too young?
Richardson told the Washington Post that she first encountered Moore while working at the Gadsden mall, where Moore was known to roam and hit on teenage girls. Richardson said that in her first encounter with Moore, he asked her where she went to school and for her phone number. She declined to give him her number, but he called her at her high school and asked her out again just a few days later.
She was in Trigonometry class, and the principal called her to the office for the phone call. Come on. This is beyond creepy. This guy should be in jail.
Which one was better?
Rubio has an opinion...
Similar,but needs work on his form.Has to be done in one single motion & eyes should never leave the camera. But not bad for his 1st time
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) November 15, 2017
Merger Palooza
Last time it happened, it destroyed the industry.
This time, it could put the final nail in local media's coffin, and allow an unscrupulous billionaire to control the flow of information to the nation.
But about eight people will get really rich in the process, so don't forget the good side.
Hannity's Ultimatum
Hannity lost his nerve, telling viewers on Wednesday that Moore’s fitness for office “shouldn’t be decided by me.” Hannity declined to say whether he believes Moore or his accusers and did not call for the former Alabama chief justice to exit the race, even though Moore failed to “remove any doubt” within the 24-hour window.
Instead, Hannity devoted most of his program to rehashing accusations of sexual misconduct by Bill Clinton.
Of course. Although Hannity and I do agree on one thing. No person's fitness for office should EVER be decided by him.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Meet a Legend or Two

Two big appearances this coming weekend. On Friday November 17 (12-4pm) at Galveston Steakhouse in Michigan City with John Landecker selling his HOF edition of "Records Truly Is My Middle Name." On Sunday November 19 (9-noon) with Mitch Michaels Salchow selling his book "Doin' the Cruise" at the Chicagoland Record Collector's Show in Hillside. Come on out and meet a legend or two.
Comedy for Men
It's pretty brutal, ripping the greatest comedians of all time (including Pryor, Allen, Kinison, Murphy, Louis CK and more), but it also makes you question yourself. This is a subject that I've been thinking about for a long time. I can no longer laugh at the bits I used to laugh at (and some I wrote myself).
Watch the devil versus angel scene in "Animal House" again. It will make you cringe.
I know that times change, but every generation since the 60s has had a teen movie about guys trying to get laid. This has become a rite of passage. But it almost certainly isn't going to happen anymore. And that's probably a good thing.
I remember going to a Don Rickles concert in the early 1990s. He was doing racial bits that would have made people howl in the 1960s, but by the 1990s they were no longer acceptable. The crowd was mostly uncomfortable.
Not trying to be a snowflake here. I used to only have one rule of comedy. Funny is funny, and it doesn't matter what it's about. You know what? Sometimes it does matter.
Another Creep Revealed
NBC News says it has fired Matt Zimmerman, its top talent booker, for “inappropriate conduct” with more than one woman at the network.
Zimmerman used to be in charge of arranging guests for the “Today” show but in 2014 was promoted to vice president and led the behind-the-scenes unit responsible for such bookings at all NBC News programs.
The network didn’t give any details Tuesday about Zimmerman’s behavior, only that he violated company policy. The network acted in response to internal complaints.
Just when you thought it couldn't get slimier...
I mean, come on. They even use a Jewish name. Very subtle.
The Bravest Man on Fox News
Mancow's Emotional Distress
The lawsuit says Muller has “suffered both physically and emotionally” since Nyren was named market manager of Cumulus Media Chicago earlier this month, putting him in charge of four stations, including rockers WLUP and WKQX.
“It’s literally making him physically ill,” said Michael Young, a Westchester attorney representing Muller in the lawsuit. “He saw a medical professional last Thursday because of this. It’s absolutely very traumatizing to him to be in this position after everything he went through.”
OK, I suppose the behavior listed in the lawsuit is not very nice behavior (it's actually very bad--if true), but you'll have to forgive every radio producer in the country (probably including Mancow's former producers) for chuckling when they read this.
For us, reading this story was like opening up the newspaper and seeing the headline..."Dog sues man for barking every time the doorbell rings."
This is how I put it on Twitter last night...
I didn’t even know this was possible. What’s the statute of limitations? Every radio producer in the country is going to be rich. #chaching #currentlyaddinguphighbloodpressureandpyschotherapybills
— Rick Kaempfer (@RickKaempfer) November 14, 2017
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Christian Pulisic
A message to our fans 🇺🇸 Read my piece on @PlayersTribune
— Christian Pulisic (@cpulisic_10) November 13, 2017
No Italy in World Cup '18
This year they couldn't do it. A scoreless draw to Sweden yesterday knocked them out.
That's too bad for the soccer-loving nation, although I have to admit--I've never been able to root for them. They play dirty, they play ridiculously defensively, and they have beaten the Germans a few too many times.
Scrabble Crackdown
Well, in the UK, one of the top Scrabble players just cheated and Scrabble did what all sports should do. One strike and you're out! Well, actually they found out he had cheated four times, but still you get the message. When they found out, they banned his ass.
Are you listening to this Bill Belichick?
Carlos Beltran Retires
Is he a Hall of Famer?
He was a 9-time all-star, a perennial winner, a man who got the biggest hits in the biggest moments for multiple teams.
I say yes. Hall of Famer.
Representative Democracy
It's also not based on one person-one vote. It's a representative democracy with two houses of Congress, one that provides 2 senators per state to give all states equal representation, and one that is represented by population so that heavily populated areas are not under-represented. Well, if that still true, it's time to reassess the number of congressional seats. Do the math with me.
Illinois has 18 congressional seats. Wyoming has one.
Illinois' population is 12.8 million. Wyoming's is 585,000. If 585,000 is the marker for 1 seat, then 18 seats should serve 10.5 million. What about the other 2.3 million in Illinois? That's another 4 seats. And I'm guessing that all of those would come from Cook County. (see the map below) That's where I live.
Talk about taxation without representation!
States with a smaller population than Cook County
— Daniel Kay Hertz (@DanielKayHertz) November 14, 2017
As more Americans get hooked on podcasting, some devoted fans are now listening at breakneck speed, eager to take in as many programs as possible. So-called “podfasters” speed up podcast playback, often two or three times faster than normal, with some saying the faster pace suits their lifestyle and others noting rapid playback helps them binge-listen to entire podcast catalogues.
To all of you podfasters, there are 72 episodes of Minutia Men right here. The episodes are short--no longer than 43 or 44 minutes. You should be able to polish those off in no time.
Monday, November 13, 2017
JRL appearance this Friday afternoon
My Favorite Mookie
Red Sox All-Star Mookie Betts Just Bowled a Perfect Game in the World Series of Bowling – Seriously.
— Baseball is Fun (@flippingbats) November 13, 2017
SNL Goes There
Then, the whole sexual harassment climate was addressed in the monologue...
President Mean Girl
Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me "old," when I would NEVER call him "short and fat?" Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend - and maybe someday that will happen!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 12, 2017
Rupert Murdoch Wants to Buy CNN
Oh, and Rupert Murdoch wants to buy CNN.
These guys really should be wearing top hats and twirling their mustaches. (Photo: Rupert Murdoch)
Louis CK Admits Behavior
He has lost it all--his FX show, his upcoming movies, his manager. You name it.
Say this for Hollywood (as opposed to Washington--which will soon have a child molestor Senator AND a pussy-grabbing President), at least there are consequences for their behavior (even if it is many years too late).
Holy crap, I love a good typo (that I don’t make)....
— DeanRichards (@DeanRichards) November 11, 2017
My wife Bridget came along and ran in the race. There are a few pictures of her below.
Thanks to Atlanta for the hospitality and thanks to the folks at the Purple Stride for supporting such a worthy and noble effort.