1929The Cubs are in the midst of a pennant winning season.
*While Rogers Hornsby knocks in three with a triple and Guy Bush guts out a 9-6 victory over the Pirates in Pittsburgh, the first non-stop flight from Engand to India lands safely, two days after it took off.
1969The Cubs are in the midst of one of their most memorable seasons.
*While Fergie Jenkins is out-dueling Tom Seaver in New York for the first place Cubs, Paul McCartney releases a statement in London saying that he is definitely not dead.
1984The Cubs are hoping to make the playoffs for the first time since World War 2.
*While Scott Sanderson is pulling the Cubs within a half game of the first place Phillies by beating the Cardinals 6-2 in St. Louis, scientists announce that they have finally identified the AIDS virus.
1989The Boys of Zimmer are taking Chicago by storm.
*While Andre Dawson is hitting his 300th career home run in a 4-2 loss to the Mets in New York, Kareem Abdul Jabaar is playing in his last NBA game, and Boston is preparing to celebrate "New Kids on the Block" day.