Musings, observations, and written works from the publisher of Eckhartz Press, the media critic for the Illinois Entertainer, co-host of Minutia Men, Minutia Men Celebrity Interview and Free Kicks, and the author of "The Loop Files", "Back in the D.D.R", "EveryCubEver", "The Living Wills", "$everance," "Father Knows Nothing," "The Radio Producer's Handbook," "Records Truly Is My Middle Name", and "Gruen Weiss Vor".
Friday, April 04, 2014
Joel Daly Photo Gallery
What are some of the things that Joel Daly might talk about this Sunday from 2-4pm at the Beverly Arts Center? Maybe these photos from the book can spark some questions. (The Beverly Arts Center is located at 2407 W 111th St, Chicago, IL)

Today's Best Tweets--April 4
Here are some tweets that caught my eye today...
ChiTribSports @ChiTribSports 10m
Bryant's HR highlights Cubs minor league openers
Time Out Chicago @TimeOutChicago 11m
Couldn’t get tickets for the Cubs home opener? Here are 10 Wrigleyville bars to watch the game:
David Kaplan @thekapman 12m
Tom Ricketts on @KapandHaugh: When we get ballpark + media deals done there’s no reason we aren’t 1 of the top spending teams in the game."
Wayne Drehs @espnWD 14m
Wrigley Field has stood longer than the Lincoln Memorial or Golden Gate Bridge. Yet it's still missing one thing:
Barry Butler @barrybutler9 2h
Opening Day @cubs @ChooseChicago @mlb #baseball #wrigleyfield
Talking Points Memo @TPM 4m
ICYMI: McConnell challenger Bevin says the Founding Fathers were "very involved" in cockfighting
Keith Olbermann @KeithOlbermann 8h
Farewell to the Babe Ruth of modern television, David @Letterman (and tales of being his Ed McMahon for one day)
ChicagoNow @ChicagoNow 16m
5 of the worst healthy foods for your body …
John Lewis @repjohnlewis 1h
I'll never forget hearing the news 46 years ago today that my friend, my mentor, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had been assassinated.
NPR News @nprnews 28m
Racing's Michael Schumacher Has 'Moments Of Consciousness'
Media Spotlight--April 4
Every weekday in 2014, I'll be keeping an eye on what's happening in the media. My focus will be on some of my favorite subjects...the moguls, the pundits, the broadcast news biz, show business, and the publishing business. (Read "$everance" if you want a crystallization of my positions on those subjects.) And, of course, I'll also keep tabs on Chicago's media.
~David Letterman is retiring
This is a bummer, but I suspected it was coming after the emergence of Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel. There are lots of articles about this subject. Here are a few...
*Adweek: David Letterman Announces His Retirement During Late Show Taping
*Reuters: Letterman retirement gives CBS chance to draw younger viewers to late night
*New York Times: After 3 Decades, Letterman Says He Will Sign Off
*USA Today: Two words: Letterman's retiring (There's a good video of Dave's top ten here)
*Mashable: David Letterman to Retire From 'Late Show' in 2015
Broadcast News
~Jenna interviews her dad
This is news because Jenna's maiden name is Bush. Video highlight at the link.
The Advertising Biz
~Honey Maid: Wholesome ad
I like what they've done with this. It's a unique/feel good approach that will win the company many more fans than enemies...
The Difference Between Men and Women
This post in the San Francisco Times is brilliant.
Sums it up perfectly, and without insulting either men or women.
Sums it up perfectly, and without insulting either men or women.
Hey...these guys stole my dance!
Bridget and I have been doing this exact dance (ahem) for years now...
video vault
Just One Bad Century--April 4
One of the sure signs it's Opening Day at Wrigley is that you can't swing a stick around the ballpark without hitting a morning radio show. WXRT's Lin Brehmer and Mary Dixon are at Yakzies, ESPN's Silvy and Waddle are at the Cubby Bear, WGN's Steve Cochran is at the Captain Morgan Club at Wrigley, Ramblin' Ray Stevens of US-99 is at Houndstooth Saloon, and I'm sure I'm missing a few. It's one day all radio formats unite and rally around the Cubs. This year the Cubs come to Wrigley riding high on a one-game winning streak!
Remember though, this is not the 100th anniversary of Wrigley. That comes on April 23.
At JOBC we've got it covered.
Today in Wrigley Field history features the sloppy Harry/Hillary kiss, Wild Thing's debut, a Sammy Milestone, and a dramatic finish.
Today's Historical Event is the founding of Netscape. Where were the Cubs?
Today's Cubs birthdays include five different Cubs; an infamous catcher, a knuckler, a cup of coffee from the 1880s, a tragic story, and a late arrival.
The A/V Club today has video of all three Tuffy Rhodes homers. By the way, the great Eckhartz Press book "Lost in the Ivy" ends on that day in 1994. You should pick up the book if you're a Cubs fan. It's a good read. You can buy it in the JOBC store.
If you missed it yesterday, the Chicago Sun Times had a great blog post commemorating Wrigley's 100th anniversary. Lots of really great photos and trivia. Highly recommended for my fellow geeks.
In the latest Cubs news: Cubs owners are considering selling minority stakes in the club, Jason Hammel pitched great yesterday but he appears to be prepared for an inevitable trade, and I have a very strong feeling that Jose Veras won't be the closer by the end of the season. Jesse Rogers takes a look at the prospects of that.
If you want to feel good about the future, read Bleacher Nation's Top 40 Cubs list. He said he had a hard time cutting it down to 40 because the farm system is so deep.
And finally, I was excited to read this. My favorite beer is Bell's, which is brewed in Kalamazoo (had one last night, in fact). I've loved it since I first tasted it about ten years ago, and I had no idea until this morning that the founder of that brewery is a die-hard Cubs fan who intends on attending all 81 games this year.
If they start selling Bell's at Wrigley, I may never see my family again.
Thursday, April 03, 2014
Joel Daly Returns to his Old Stomping Grounds
Joel Daly was on WLS radio this morning with Bruce Wolf and Dan Proft, promoting his Eckhartz Press book "The Daly News". Although, it was touch and go for a little while there. Joel got stuck in that horrendous traffic this morning, and barely made it to the studio in time for the interview. He and the WLS guys talked about meeting the Beatles and Martin Luther King Jr., and of course, they wanted to hear a yodel. Joel obliged.

After the interview, Joel walked over to the WLS-TV side of things (in the same building) to visit old friends. Dave snapped a few pictures of Joel in his natural habitat...

After the interview, Joel walked over to the WLS-TV side of things (in the same building) to visit old friends. Dave snapped a few pictures of Joel in his natural habitat...
Media Spotlight--April 3
Every weekday in 2014, I'll be keeping an eye on what's happening in the media. My focus will be on some of my favorite subjects...the moguls, the pundits, the broadcast news biz, show business, and the publishing business. (Read "$everance" if you want a crystallization of my positions on those subjects.) And, of course, I'll also keep tabs on Chicago's media.
Chicago Media
-WBEZ wins a Peabody
Three reporters for “This American Life” embedded themselves at Chicago’s Harper High School, winning a Peabody for WBEZ. Non-Chicago related Peabody winners below.
~The Peabody Winners
To me, the Peabody Awards are the most impressive, because they are only given out for the highest quality, and don't seem to be influenced merely by popularity. This year's winners include Netflix' "House of Cards", HBO's documentary "Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God," PBS' documentary about NFL concussions, and AMC's "Breaking Bad". Read more at the link. This YouTube video from two college students in Oregon even won a Peabody. Nicely done.
The Radio Biz
~What Obama Just Taught The Radio Business
Radio consultant Fred Jacobs has a smart piece (linked above) about what Obama's use of radio during the ACA rollout can teach radio. I agree with him entirely. If I didn't, would I be sending all of my authors to radio stations to do interviews? (Joel Daly was on WLS this morning) Radio is an underappreciated way to sell your product. Hell, we're selling potholes ( on the radio. Brandmeier called David Stern this morning. Those who write radio off, leave a viable option off the table for no reason.
The Internet
~The Wolf of Buzzfeed
This is very well done...
Today's Best Tweets--April 3
Here are some tweets that caught my eye today...
Greg Kot @gregkot 1m
100 years of Wrigley Field and 17 concerts. The good, the bad and the curfew busting:
NYDN Entertainment @NYDNEntertain 3m
Save it for the cameras! Couple busted for hotel brawl before "Maury" taping about his alleged affair with her mom.
Ted Cox @tedcoxchicago 5m
Aldermen seek to stamp out surreptitious "upskirt," "downblouse" smartphone pix in @ChiCouncil
James Finn Garner @jamesfinngarner 9m
MAD Magazine meets baseball in a salute to dirty-sounding names: #gradeschoolhumorstillworks
ESPN @espn 17m
Before leaving Houston, Derek Jeter got some Derek Jeter cowboy boots from the @Astros.
Josh Marshall @joshtpm 17m
My thots on demands of megawealthy to give 10s/100s of millions into political process & not be allowed 2b criticized
Carrie Muskat @CarrieMuskat 3m
As of now, #Cubs Villanueva still on schedule to start Sunday vs Phillies. Renteria says they'll talk about options on Friday in Chicago
Total Cubs Move @TotalCubsMove 4m
Bonifacio is the first #Cubs player in the last 100 years to get at least 4 hits in each of his first 2 games as a Cub. #WorldSeries2014
Slate @Slate 3m
Looks like wealth inequality is even worse than we thought:
Al Yankovic @alyankovic 4m
Now that I’m back from vacation, I finally bit the bullet and got that new gate for my driveway.
Sarah Palin on Jimmy Fallon
I only screamed at the television once, which is a new record for a Sarah Palin appearance. Actually, this bit had it's moments...
Throwback Thursday
Throwback Thursday. David Stern and I did a radio show together in Champaign-Urbana back in 1985, and we thought it would be fun to run for U of I Homecoming King and Queen as the anti-candidates. (Dave was chosen for queen because he had the mustache.) We couldn't get on the ballot, so we took out this ad in the newspaper to get write in votes. We got some votes too...even though Dave and I didn't bother to vote ourselves...

LATE UPDATE: I had forgotten all about this, but Dave posted this on Facebook: My good friend, Rick Kaempfer has failed to remember a couple of key points. First, I was pegged as the queen because I was visiting my mom and he placed the ad in the D.I. Second, we got over 300 votes and should have been included in the royal court. but the Panhellenic Council pitched a fit. We were ahead of the curve with our support of gay marriage.
LATE UPDATE: I had forgotten all about this, but Dave posted this on Facebook: My good friend, Rick Kaempfer has failed to remember a couple of key points. First, I was pegged as the queen because I was visiting my mom and he placed the ad in the D.I. Second, we got over 300 votes and should have been included in the royal court. but the Panhellenic Council pitched a fit. We were ahead of the curve with our support of gay marriage.
Just One Bad Century--April 3
Who stayed up and watched that game last night? I have to admit that I did. The Cubs lost in the bottom of the 16th inning. I have one observation about this season's Cubs: That closer (Jose Veras) reminds me of Mel Rojas. (For you youngsters and non-Cub fans...that's not a compliment.)
On to better topics...
Today in Wrigley Field history goes back to 1998. The first game without Harry in the booth. Find out who the first guest conductor was.
Today's Historical Event is Eddie Vrdolyak's re-election to the Cook County board in 1984; a poke in the eye to Harold Washington. Where were the Cubs?
Today's Cubs birthdays include the prospect that lured the Pirates into trading us Aramis Ramirez.
In the latest Cubs news: Don't look now, but Emilio Bonafacio leads the majors in hits, ex-Cub Matt Garza took a no-hitter into the 7th last night (and lost), and Carlos Villanueva has lost both games this season.
Although let's be realistic...the pitching has looked pretty good so far. They've only given up five runs in 26 innings.
On to better topics...
Today in Wrigley Field history goes back to 1998. The first game without Harry in the booth. Find out who the first guest conductor was.
Today's Historical Event is Eddie Vrdolyak's re-election to the Cook County board in 1984; a poke in the eye to Harold Washington. Where were the Cubs?
Today's Cubs birthdays include the prospect that lured the Pirates into trading us Aramis Ramirez.
In the latest Cubs news: Don't look now, but Emilio Bonafacio leads the majors in hits, ex-Cub Matt Garza took a no-hitter into the 7th last night (and lost), and Carlos Villanueva has lost both games this season.
Although let's be realistic...the pitching has looked pretty good so far. They've only given up five runs in 26 innings.
Wednesday, April 02, 2014
The Complete Batman Cameo Video Collection
Thanks "ND" for pointing this out to me...
Today's Best Tweets--April 2
Here are some tweets that caught my eye today...
NPR Politics @nprpolitics 8m
In a 5-4 ruling, U.S. Supreme Court strikes down overall donation limits, allowing individuals to donate to more candidates, parties & PACs
John Dickerson @johndickerson 23m
I'm a broken record, but SCOTUS ruling on campaign finance bolsters the lede of this piece. More good news for 1%.
It's almost as if electing GOP presidents results in a Supreme Court dedicated to protecting the civil rights of billionaires exclusively.
James Finn Garner @jamesfinngarner 20m
You can't put a price on money. Thanks for clearing that up, SCOTUS.
Jake Tapper @jaketapper 30m
Common Cause prez says SCOTUS decision further open "floodgates for the nation’s wealthiest few to drown out the voices of the rest of us"
RainnWilson @rainnwilson 33m
I want to thank the Supreme Court for protecting the rights of the minority group who's voice can now, finally, be heard: THE BILLIONAIRES!
Gawker @Gawker 10m
A man somehow survived after he got a chainsaw stuck in his neck while 20 feet off the ground.
WGNMorningNews @WGNMorningNews 21m
"Keep up the good work" @LarryPotash to 99-child sperm donor who does it the old fashioned way.
Baseball Tonight @BBTN 25m
We had a replay fiasco last night. @Buster_ESPN says it's already clear system is flawed:
Josh Marshall @joshtpm 29m
ICYMI: Founder of 2012 Unskewed Poll Movement now trying to debunk Obamacare sign up totals …
Media Spotlight--April 2
Every weekday in 2014, I'll be keeping an eye on what's happening in the media. My focus will be on some of my favorite subjects...the moguls, the pundits, the broadcast news biz, show business, and the publishing business. (Read "$everance" if you want a crystallization of my positions on those subjects.) And, of course, I'll also keep tabs on Chicago's media.
Chicago Media
~Chicago Public Media Names New CEO
Her name is Goli Sheikholeslami, and the Robert Feder article linked above has some fascinating details about her. She's not from Chicago. She's not a broadcaster. And she doesn't even listen to the radio. Sounds like they are going to be concentrating more on digital and streaming. Also, did you know there are 140 employees working there? That's roughly the number of employees for all the rest of the FM radio stations in Chicago combined. (A bit of an overstatement, but sadly, not too much)
~Bob & Marianne
In case you missed it yesterday, my Illinois Entertainer column this month is about Bob Sirott and Marianne Murciano.
The Moguls
~The Wall Street Journal Analyzes Rupert's Son
He's been running the News Corp empire in Australia, so the Wall Street Journal (owned by Rupert) analyzes how he has done.
Broadcast News
~60 Minutes Has To Apologize Again
This time they added car noise to a story about the nearly silent Tesla car. Why did they do this? Nobody seems to know. The network says it was an "audio editing error."
~Fox News Actually Apologized
They apologized for a totally misleading chart about Obamacare yesterday. This is pretty shocking. You won't find a news organization less willing to admit it's mistakes. The last time I remember them apologizing is when Sean Hannity was caught editing in bigger crowds to Tea Party rallies.
~Conan 360
Advertiser ATT is offering a new 360-degree view of Conan's show online. It's different, I'll give them that.
The Radio Biz
~April Fool's Day Recap
I've never been a huge fan of April Fools Day radio bits, but I have one rule about what makes a good one. It's either got to be funny, or interesting. This one in neither. From Radio Online:
Connoisseur Media's Rock WPLR-FM/New Haven, CT, and Classic Rock WFOX-FM/Stamford/Norwalk, CT, morning hosts Chaz & AJ played a prank on taxpayers on that "April Fooled" the entire state of Connecticut and overwhelmed the Department of Revenue Services (DRS). All morning the duo reported that Connecticut state taxpayers can double their tax rebate check from $55 to $110 by registering with a new database program instituted by the Department of Revenue Service.
~Obamacare Enrollment's Secret Weapon: Radio
This Yahoo! story from yesterday has been linked by every single radio trade publication this morning. I can understand why. What they don't say, however, is that radio played a similar role in making it unpopular in the first place.
~Another Potential Competitor for Radio
Tom Taylor's column this morning points out a study that I believe is totally correct. All of my sons' friends learn about new music this way.
YouTube is “radio’s quiet competitor,” says new Edison study. “Over a third of Americans 12-and-up used YouTube to watch music videos or listen to music in the last week,” says a deeper breakout of the latest Infinite Dial study. And eventually, eyeballs and time-spent lead to advertising revenue for the Google-owned YouTube video service. VP of Music and Programming Sean Ross says “While radio has spent much of the last year focusing on Pandora and SiriusXM, YouTube remains a major destination for many formats’ P1 listeners.”
Just One Bad Century--April 2
We're debuting another new feature today that will run the rest of the baseball season. It's called "Historical Events: Where were the Cubs?" When your team has been around as long as the Cubs have (142 years), there are bound to be stories about where they were and what they were doing when important events in history occured. We decided to find out. Every week we'll post the historical events from that particular week in history and find out what the Cubs were up least one event from every day. Today, it's the anniversary of President Wilson asking Congress to declare war on Germany.
If you missed it yesterday, This Week in Wrigley Field history was posted. Today's entry (April 2) tells you what happened there on this day in 2001. It involves a team that doesn't exist anymore.
There are eight Cubs featured today in "Today's Cubs Birthdays", including one of my all-time favorite stories. The man who made the mistake of beaning Frank Chance one too many times.
The A/V Club celebrates the anniversary of the baseball strike ending, with President Clinton weighing in on the subject from the White House briefing room.
In the latest Cubs news, the Cubs signed Joel Piniero to a minor league deal, the Cubs were pranked by Bing on April Fool's Day, and if you watch this video you can see that the Ricketts family has had it with the rooftop owners, and I personally don't blame them...
If you missed it yesterday, This Week in Wrigley Field history was posted. Today's entry (April 2) tells you what happened there on this day in 2001. It involves a team that doesn't exist anymore.
There are eight Cubs featured today in "Today's Cubs Birthdays", including one of my all-time favorite stories. The man who made the mistake of beaning Frank Chance one too many times.
The A/V Club celebrates the anniversary of the baseball strike ending, with President Clinton weighing in on the subject from the White House briefing room.
In the latest Cubs news, the Cubs signed Joel Piniero to a minor league deal, the Cubs were pranked by Bing on April Fool's Day, and if you watch this video you can see that the Ricketts family has had it with the rooftop owners, and I personally don't blame them...
Coldest Winter Ever
Don't believe me, believe the National Weather Service, which released this official statement yesterday...
1. 22.0 2013-14
2. 22.3 1903-04
3. 22.5 1977-78
22.5 1892-93
5. 22.7 1978-79
1. 22.0 2013-14
2. 22.3 1903-04
3. 22.5 1977-78
22.5 1892-93
5. 22.7 1978-79
What Classic Rock Band Are You?
I took the quiz. Thought for sure I'd get the Beatles.
Got the Jimi Hendrix Experience instead: Simply put, there is no one else like you. You are a special, extremely unique person. This uniqueness also makes you brave, and you're a great leader when you put your mind to it. Some people think you're a little wild, but just ignore them - the rest of us see how amazing you really are.
Okey doke.
Although a few notes: There is no such thing as "extremely unique". I'm about the furthest thing from wild you'll ever meet. And I hope I don't die by choking on my own vomit.
Got the Jimi Hendrix Experience instead: Simply put, there is no one else like you. You are a special, extremely unique person. This uniqueness also makes you brave, and you're a great leader when you put your mind to it. Some people think you're a little wild, but just ignore them - the rest of us see how amazing you really are.
Okey doke.
Although a few notes: There is no such thing as "extremely unique". I'm about the furthest thing from wild you'll ever meet. And I hope I don't die by choking on my own vomit.
Tuesday, April 01, 2014
RIP Marvin Gaye
He died 30 years ago today. From Bob Dearborn's The Olde Disc Jockey's Almanac...
April 1, 1984…Singer (You're All I Need To Get By, Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing, If I Could Build My Whole World Around You, Your Precious Love, and Ain't No Mountain High Enough w/ Tammi Terrell, It Takes Two w/ Kim Weston, Sexual Healing, Got To Give It Up, Let's Get It On, Trouble Man, Inner City Blues, Mercy Mercy Me, What's Going On, That's The Way Love Is, Too Busy Thinking About My Baby, I Heard It Through The Grapevine, Ain't That Peculiar, I'll Be Doggone, How Sweet It Is, Pride And Joy)/songwriter/musician Marvin Gaye was shot to death at age 44 by his father following an argument. Marvin, Sr. received probation after pleading guilty to voluntary manslaughter.
He was obviously a troubled man, but he was one of the all-time greats...
April 1, 1984…Singer (You're All I Need To Get By, Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing, If I Could Build My Whole World Around You, Your Precious Love, and Ain't No Mountain High Enough w/ Tammi Terrell, It Takes Two w/ Kim Weston, Sexual Healing, Got To Give It Up, Let's Get It On, Trouble Man, Inner City Blues, Mercy Mercy Me, What's Going On, That's The Way Love Is, Too Busy Thinking About My Baby, I Heard It Through The Grapevine, Ain't That Peculiar, I'll Be Doggone, How Sweet It Is, Pride And Joy)/songwriter/musician Marvin Gaye was shot to death at age 44 by his father following an argument. Marvin, Sr. received probation after pleading guilty to voluntary manslaughter.
He was obviously a troubled man, but he was one of the all-time greats...
Today's Best Tweets
Here are some tweets that caught my eye today...
Talking Points Memo @TPM 3m
The Daily Show has a field day with Chris Christie's self-exonerating report (VIDEO):
Manu @ManuclearBomb 1h
Shaughnessy: Game 2 is a “must-win” for the Red Sox … via @HardballTalk
DaWeave @TJW36 14m
Just when u think #Nike can't screwup the #USMNT jersey's anymore;from great classic designs the #French flag?#FAIL @Chicagoist 18m
Frankie Knuckles, 'Godfather Of House Music,' Dies @desipiodotcom 15h
If they weren't idiots they wouldn't be Brewers fans @bigleaguestew: Ryan Braun gets standing ovation in return from PED suspension
John Arguello @CubsDen 3m
Worried about Rizzo? Top NL LH hitters Heyward, Bruce, Cargo, & Headley have gone a combined 0 for 23 with 14 Ks vs. Liriano. Votto 2 for 10
Slate @Slate 5m
Josh Charles went on Olbermann as Dan Rydell this weekend, and it was amazing--WATCH:
Josh Liss @JoshLissSports 5m
Some athletes skip the "White House visit". Others blend in. Johnny Gomes OWNS IT.
MT @davidortiz Love...Gomes outfit
The Heckler @The_Heckler 8m
Renteria happy to get season’s first loss under his belt
Los Angeles Times @latimes 4m
Angels' Don Baylor breaks leg in bizarre ceremonial first pitch mishap
Classic Batman Scene
Bruce Wayne talks to Batman. Love it...notice the complete lack of voice changing...
video vault
Bob Sirott & Marianne Murciano
My latest media column for the Illinois Entertainer is about Bob Sirott & Marianne Murciano.
It's posted right here.
51 Things You'll Never Hear A Chicagoan Say
This list comes courtesy of TimeOut Chicago, and it's a pretty good one. I'll quibble with only a few of them. #3 for instance...I saw the Who there and it was incredible. And I know lots of people who really have been Blackhawks fans for decades (#49).
Number 26 made me laugh out loud.
Number 26 made me laugh out loud.
10 Things You Didn't Know About Germans
Pretty good list...although I've never heard of the whole "it's bad luck to celebrate your birthday early" rule. Must be a regional thing in a different part of Germany. The rest of them are all spot on, including the one about Germans enjoying stripping and going nude. You'll be happy to know that trend is one I never followed. (And as someone who witnessed it me that it's not a fun spectator sport.)
Media Spotlight--April 1
Every weekday in 2014, I'll be keeping an eye on what's happening in the media. My focus will be on some of my favorite subjects...the moguls, the pundits, the broadcast news biz, show business, and the publishing business. (Read "$everance" if you want a crystallization of my positions on those subjects.) And, of course, I'll also keep tabs on Chicago's media.
Chicago Media
~Tribune Hires New Boss for WGN-TV
His name is Greg Easterly and he comes here from WJW-TV in Cleveland. He'll report directly to Larry Wert. More details in Crains at the link.
The Moguls
~Zuckerberg's Salary is $1
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg reduced his base salary last year to only $1. I'm going to start up a charity drive immediately.
~FCC Closes Media Ownership Loophole
From this morning's The Hill...
In a contentious vote that attracted scrutiny from Republicans in the agency and on Capitol Hill, the FCC approved an order that will keep broadcast companies from sharing resources on advertising sales. Under current FCC rules, a single broadcast company cannot own more than one of the top four broadcast stations in a media market. But prior to the agency’s actions on Monday, a broadcast company could use a Joint Service Agreement (JSA) to control advertising sales across multiple broadcast stations. Critics of this practice said it allowed broadcasters to control multiple stations in practice without technically violating the agency’s ownership rules.
The Pundits
~Glenn Beck Being Sued for Defamation
Defamation is one of the most difficult things to prove in court, but it sure looks like this Boston citizen Beck kept calling a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing (long after he was cleared) has got a case.
~Stephen Colbert Responds To Twittersphere Calling For His Head
In this video below he explains the whole controversy and responds...
~Is Ronan Farrow's Show in Trouble?
Well, the headline in the Daily News gossip page is: "Ratings May Sink Ronan Farrow". And an anonymous MSNBC source says: “He sort of stinks on TV. He hasn’t turned out to be the superstar they were hoping for.” I normally completely dismiss anonymous sources like that, but I've seen the show. He does stink on TV. It's sort of a creepy show.
~Amazon Picks Up Six Original Series
Among the shows that got the green light yesterday was "Transparent", starring John Landecker's daughter Amy.
The Radio Biz's April Fool's Day.
The Kars for Kids jingle was redone to be Kids for Kars. The new jingle is at the link. It's obviously just a bit. You'll probably hear many of those today.
Joel Daly on WGN Radio
Eckhartz Press author Joel Daly was on WGN Radio last night with Pete McMurray. I couldn't join him there because I was conducting soccer practice for Sean's team, but Dave went along and took the pictures below.
On the air...

A crowd forms outside the showcase studio to watch Joel yodel...

Pete McMurray, Joel Daly, and producer Scott Miller...

We've also got the audio of Joel Daly's memorable appearance last night on WGN Radio: Listen here.
On the air...

A crowd forms outside the showcase studio to watch Joel yodel...

Pete McMurray, Joel Daly, and producer Scott Miller...

We've also got the audio of Joel Daly's memorable appearance last night on WGN Radio: Listen here.
Just One Bad Century--April 1
It was a rough opening day loss for the Cubs yesterday. Wellington Castillo shows everyone exactly how it felt for Cub fans...(click on the photo)

Lots of positives there though. Great performance by the Shark. And Emilio Bonafacio looks like a keeper. There's no game today--back it tomorrow night in Pittsburgh.
At JOBC, we debuting a new feature today. This Week in Wrigley History looks at all the memorable moments over the past 100 years that occured this week at Wrigley Field. There have been very few on April 1 & 2, but two of my favorites are featured later this week. A big wet sloppy kiss and the best Opening Day of my lifetime (I'm 50).
Today's Cubs birthdays feature a guy who came just one pitch away from a no-hitter, plus a cup of coffee from 1919 and 1964.
The A/V Club has an entire episode of the Bob Newhart show about the Cubs.
Lots of positives there though. Great performance by the Shark. And Emilio Bonafacio looks like a keeper. There's no game today--back it tomorrow night in Pittsburgh.
At JOBC, we debuting a new feature today. This Week in Wrigley History looks at all the memorable moments over the past 100 years that occured this week at Wrigley Field. There have been very few on April 1 & 2, but two of my favorites are featured later this week. A big wet sloppy kiss and the best Opening Day of my lifetime (I'm 50).
Today's Cubs birthdays feature a guy who came just one pitch away from a no-hitter, plus a cup of coffee from 1919 and 1964.
The A/V Club has an entire episode of the Bob Newhart show about the Cubs.
Monday, March 31, 2014
I't's Opening Day!
Today on JOBC, we savor the glory of Opening Day. The Cubs are still firmly in first place! (At least until 2 or 3pm central time)
The A/V Club gets us in the mood for baseball with "It's a Beautiful Day for a Ballgame"
To get us off on the right foot, let's go back to This Week in 1908 (the last year the Cubs won the World Series) and This Week in 1945 (the last year the Cubs appeared in the World Series.). In 1908 the Cubs are on their way back up to Chicago for the beginning of the season on the same day baseball officially recognizes Abner Doubleday as the inventor of the sport...even though he had nothing to do with it. In 1945 the Cubs are training in French Lick, Indiana while Allied Troops are liberating concentration camps in Europe.
Have you heard about who is throwing out the first pitch for the Cubs home opener later this week? A 100-year-old man.
Today's Cubs Birthdays feature a tongue twister about a player from 1905. Wrote it myself. That's the sort of unique material you won't find anywhere else. (Probably for good reason).
Have I mentioned that The A/V Club has the song "It's a Beautiful Day for a Ballgame"? It's going through my head all day. Now it's going through yours too.
Enjoy Opening Day, and Go Cubs!
The A/V Club gets us in the mood for baseball with "It's a Beautiful Day for a Ballgame"
To get us off on the right foot, let's go back to This Week in 1908 (the last year the Cubs won the World Series) and This Week in 1945 (the last year the Cubs appeared in the World Series.). In 1908 the Cubs are on their way back up to Chicago for the beginning of the season on the same day baseball officially recognizes Abner Doubleday as the inventor of the sport...even though he had nothing to do with it. In 1945 the Cubs are training in French Lick, Indiana while Allied Troops are liberating concentration camps in Europe.
Have you heard about who is throwing out the first pitch for the Cubs home opener later this week? A 100-year-old man.
Today's Cubs Birthdays feature a tongue twister about a player from 1905. Wrote it myself. That's the sort of unique material you won't find anywhere else. (Probably for good reason).
Have I mentioned that The A/V Club has the song "It's a Beautiful Day for a Ballgame"? It's going through my head all day. Now it's going through yours too.
Enjoy Opening Day, and Go Cubs!
Ford Schools Cadillac
This is Cadillac's famous spot...
This is the answer spot from Ford...
Suck it, Cadillac. You just got schooled.
This is the answer spot from Ford...
Suck it, Cadillac. You just got schooled.
video vault
Joel Daly on WGN Tonight!
Eckhartz Press author Joel Daly will be appearing tonight on WGN Radio with Pete McMurray.
Tune in during the 8pm hour to hear the legendary broadcaster talk about his Eckhartz Press book "The Daly News"
Buy it here so you know what he's talking about.
Lost in the Ivy Ships Today!
And we're doing a giveaway at Good Reads...
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Lost in the Ivy
by Randy Richardson
Enter to win
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Lost in the Ivy
by Randy Richardson
Giveaway ends April 14, 2014.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
Enter to win
Media Spotlight: In Case You Missed It Edition (March 31)
There were a couple of big media stories in the news last week while I was on spring break...
Chicago Media
~The Top-Billing Radio Stations in Chicago
According to the Chicago Tribune article at the link, the top 5 billing radio stations in Chicago are: News Radio WBBM-AM, The Mix WTMX-FM, WGN-AM, The Score WSCR, and B-96 WBBM-FM.
~Paul Agase leaves CBS-Chicago to return to the place where he started – WLS (890).
From Tom Taylor's NOW column...
~Did Les Grobstein Really Do This?
The headline at Deadspin is this: Chicago Sports Radio Host Shits In The Studio, Flees The Building. The Sports Radio host in question is Les Grobstein. The article claims he really did it. I've known Les for many years, and yes, it's true he's a bit a slob. But this sounds a bit over the top. There must be an explanation.
~The Top-Ten Midday Radio Shows in Chicago
Robert Feder has them at the link. #1 is WBBM-AM's Sherman Kaplan & Kris Kridell. #3 was the Drive's Bob Stroud. Greg Brown is #6, and Bob & Marianne at WGN are #7. (Look for my upcoming media column about them in the Illinois Entertainer tomorrow.
The Moguls
~The Prodigal Son Returns
Once shunned by his father Rupert, Lachlan Murdoch returned to News Corp as the co-chairman. I guess that's a pretty obvious sign who will succeed Rupert. Unless, of course, he steps out of line again while the old man is still kicking.
Chicago Media
~The Top-Billing Radio Stations in Chicago
According to the Chicago Tribune article at the link, the top 5 billing radio stations in Chicago are: News Radio WBBM-AM, The Mix WTMX-FM, WGN-AM, The Score WSCR, and B-96 WBBM-FM.
~Paul Agase leaves CBS-Chicago to return to the place where he started – WLS (890).
From Tom Taylor's NOW column...
He’ll be VP of sales, reporting to Cumulus market manager Donna Baker. Feder adds some context - “Sources said Agase had been under pressure because of declining sales at the newsradio combo” of WBBM (780) and simulcast WCFS (105.9). WBBM’s still the market’s top biller at $41.9 million in 2013 topline revenue. But that was down 8% year-to-year, compared to the Miller Kaplan-computed radio market decline of about 2.5%. CBS market manager Rod Zimmerman says Chicago Director of Sales Mark Day will also serve as general sales manager at the important ’BBM combo. During Agase’s tenure with CBS, he’d had various sales management roles, including at sports “Score” WSCR (670) and adult alternative WXRT (93.1).
~Did Les Grobstein Really Do This?
The headline at Deadspin is this: Chicago Sports Radio Host Shits In The Studio, Flees The Building. The Sports Radio host in question is Les Grobstein. The article claims he really did it. I've known Les for many years, and yes, it's true he's a bit a slob. But this sounds a bit over the top. There must be an explanation.
~The Top-Ten Midday Radio Shows in Chicago
Robert Feder has them at the link. #1 is WBBM-AM's Sherman Kaplan & Kris Kridell. #3 was the Drive's Bob Stroud. Greg Brown is #6, and Bob & Marianne at WGN are #7. (Look for my upcoming media column about them in the Illinois Entertainer tomorrow.
The Moguls
~The Prodigal Son Returns
Once shunned by his father Rupert, Lachlan Murdoch returned to News Corp as the co-chairman. I guess that's a pretty obvious sign who will succeed Rupert. Unless, of course, he steps out of line again while the old man is still kicking.
Green White
One of my on-going writing projects is chronicling the history of Green White Soccer Club, a club co-founded by my father in 1956. Each month I write about one year in Green White history. This month, I write about the club's 30th 1986.
You can read it here.
Green White
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Top 15 Names of Crazy People
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