Musings, observations, and written works from the publisher of Eckhartz Press, the media critic for the Illinois Entertainer, co-host of Minutia Men, Minutia Men Celebrity Interview and Free Kicks, and the author of "The Loop Files", "Back in the D.D.R", "EveryCubEver", "The Living Wills", "$everance," "Father Knows Nothing," "The Radio Producer's Handbook," "Records Truly Is My Middle Name", and "Gruen Weiss Vor".
Friday, May 02, 2014
Today's Best Tweets--May 2
Here are some tweets that caught my eye today...
Jesse Rogers @ESPNChiCubs 4m
Kerry Wood here today at Wrigley. Says he'll be helping out the front office this month watching draft eligible pitchers
Slate @Slate 13m
Stephen Colbert mocked CNN's latest Malaysia Airlines coverage perfectly last night--WATCH:
Jacob Pomrenke @buckweaver 14h
Here's some background on that new @BritishPathe 1919 World Series footage just discovered: …. Amazing stuff.
Double X @DoubleXMag 28m
The number of stay-at-home dads is falling. Were men only watching the kids because they were out of work? …
Slate @Slate 25m
This new Michael Jackson song with Justin Timberlake is... actually pretty good! LISTEN:
Dave Wischnowsky @wischlist 27m
Headed off to Wrigley in a bit for #Illini Day. Wish the weather was better - and the #Cubs too!
Third Metric @thirdmetric 29m
7 online personality quizzes that aren't completely ridiculous
SportsPickle @sportspickle 31m
The 13 Worst (Real) Thoroughbred Names in Kentucky Derby History ---> …
The Onion @TheOnion 32m
POLL: Do You Believe Aliens Exist?
Vox @voxdotcom 36m
Beyond net neutrality: The new battle for the future of the internet
Media Spotlight--May 2
My media focus this year will be on some of my favorite subjects...the moguls, the pundits, the broadcast news biz, show business, radio, and the publishing business. (Read "$everance" if you want a crystallization of my positions on those subjects.) And, of course, I'll also keep tabs on Chicago's media.
Chicago Media
~Chet Coppock Vents
My Illinois Entertainer column was posted yesterday. I spoke with Chet Coppock and asked him why there are three sports stations in town and he's not on any of them. Thirty minutes (and zero questions) later, I had a column.
~Pay It Forward Promotion
The RAMP Newsletter has the details on WILV's (100.3 FM) latest promotion. It involves cash to charity, which is an admirable thing to do:
Hubbard Radio's WILV (Chicago's 100.3)/Chicago is putting a really cool charitable spin on what could have been just another standard cash giveaway -- all winners in the station's new May Money Match will net $500 cash for themselves -- and another $500 for their favorite non-profit charity. Here's how it works: Listeners register their name and the name of their charity on the May Money Match contest page at Then, every weekday in May, names will be called out between 10am and 2pm. You have 15 minutes to call in and claim your cash. Please note that the charity of your choice must be a recognized charitable organization that is formally organized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization within the United States and not, say, your Uncle Dave from Schaumburg.
~New AM Station Coming To Chicago
The FCC approved this move yesterday. A radio station in Terre Haute is moving to south suburban Peotone. Details at Radio Insight.
~Paul Goldsmith leaves WIND
Another feel good radio story. The details come courtesy of Radio Online:
Paul Goldsmith will exit Salem/Chicago as Director of Promotions and Marketing for WIND-AM (AM 560 The Answer) and WYLL-AM on Friday, May 2. He's heading to CURE International as VP/Marketing beginning May 7...In his new post, Goldsmith will have the opportunity to introduce CURE to people and radio stations who want to help cure sick children.
~The Most Powerful Women in Chicago Journalism
Robert Feder has compiled this admittedly subjective list. It's a pretty good list. I've only dealt with seven of them, but I know them all by reputation.
Broadcast News
~CNN fires 50
Sounds like they are re-organizing to focus more on the digital/video integration. It seems to officially be the wave of the future now. Take note, kids.
~Meet the Press producer defects to ABC
This report comes from Page 6 of tne New York Post, so take it with a grain of salt. It is true that he left. The snarky reasons for his departure quoted in this article come from anonymous sources.
The Publishing Biz
~News Corp Buys Harlequin
Rupert's kingdom just increased. He now also owns the top publisher of romance novels. He's only making one small change. From now on, all of the novels will be set in Benghazi.
Medical Student Auctioning Off Virginity, Highest Bidder At $550,000
I'm not sure if this is a legitimate story. It's being reported by CBS in Las Vegas. Read it for yourself to decide if you think it's real or not. It does have a whiff of "scam" to it, especially the very last paragraph, which states...
According to her bidding rules, each bidder must come forward with a non-refundable sum of $100 through a PayPal account. If notified as the winner on May 7, that bidder is to wire-transfer the amount into a trust fund designated by “the Virgin” within 24 hours after the meeting, “provided that the Successful Bidder and the Virgin have had Sexual Intercourse,” reads the website. Bidders from Serbia, Japan, Australia, the UK and the U.S. have already placed successive bids of more than $100,000 each since Apr. 1.She's collecting non-refundable cash from everyone that bids? Hmmmm. Why do I think this virgin's name is something like Kevin?
I'm Enlightened
I took the "What kind of person are you?" quiz because I wondered how they classified people. Apparently, I'm enlightened.
Which means... "You are in love with happiness and nature. You want every one to have a joyful and fulfilling life. You enjoy peace and serenity but are also exceptionally adventurous and overall jazzed about life!"
As anyone who knows me realizes, at least half of that is malarky.
Which means... "You are in love with happiness and nature. You want every one to have a joyful and fulfilling life. You enjoy peace and serenity but are also exceptionally adventurous and overall jazzed about life!"
As anyone who knows me realizes, at least half of that is malarky.
Medical Joke
Just One Bad Century--May 2
The Cubs start a series against St. Louis today. This would be a good one to start off with a victory. Game time is 1:20 at Wrigley Field.
Today in Wrigley history goes back to 1917; one of the most memorable moments in the old ballpark's existence. If you were in attendance, you saw not one, but two no-hitters. Guess which team's pitcher lost? There's an extended write-up about this game, but there's more from this day in Wrigley history. You can also read about what happened in 1956, 1988, and 2002.
Today's historical event is General Motors buying Chevrolet to form the biggest car company in the world. (Exactly one year later than the double no-hitter, by the way). Where the Cubs?
Today's Cubs birthdays feature a few fun nicknames (Zonk & Wild Bill), a great pitcher from a hundred years ago, and cups of coffee from the 1920s and the 2000s. The A/V club has Zonk getting his number retired by the University of Texas.
As for today's Cubs news, Jesse Rogers of has a cup-is-half-full assessment of April. His take is mainly that the struggling players aren't their core future players. Let's go with that. Also, here's a little more info on Neil Ramirez, the newest arm in the Cubs bullpen. He's got the potential to be a keeper. The Cubs got him in the Garza trade (along with Olt, Grimm, and CJ Edwards). That trade is looking better every day.
Today in Wrigley history goes back to 1917; one of the most memorable moments in the old ballpark's existence. If you were in attendance, you saw not one, but two no-hitters. Guess which team's pitcher lost? There's an extended write-up about this game, but there's more from this day in Wrigley history. You can also read about what happened in 1956, 1988, and 2002.
Today's historical event is General Motors buying Chevrolet to form the biggest car company in the world. (Exactly one year later than the double no-hitter, by the way). Where the Cubs?
Today's Cubs birthdays feature a few fun nicknames (Zonk & Wild Bill), a great pitcher from a hundred years ago, and cups of coffee from the 1920s and the 2000s. The A/V club has Zonk getting his number retired by the University of Texas.
As for today's Cubs news, Jesse Rogers of has a cup-is-half-full assessment of April. His take is mainly that the struggling players aren't their core future players. Let's go with that. Also, here's a little more info on Neil Ramirez, the newest arm in the Cubs bullpen. He's got the potential to be a keeper. The Cubs got him in the Garza trade (along with Olt, Grimm, and CJ Edwards). That trade is looking better every day.
Thursday, May 01, 2014
Chet Coppock Interview--Illinois Entertainer
I talked to the Godfather of sports radio in Chicago for the Illinois Entertainer. He had a few things he wanted to get off his chest.
It's a doozy. You can read it here.
Today's Best Tweets--May 1
Here are some tweets that caught my eye today...
Slate @Slate 4m
Rob Ford suspended his re-election campaign to seek help after new tapes leaked:
Adam McKay @GhostPanther 4m
One way to keep the name Redskins w/o offending everyone is to change their logo to John Boehner. Or is that the Orange Skins?
ChiTribSports @ChiTribSports 5m
Charles Barkley chastises Magic Johnson for his Mike D'Antoni tweet
MancowMuller @MancowMuller 7m
A man named Donald Popadick was arrested in Ottawa, Canada for flashing. Hopefully, he'll share a jail cell with Seymour Keister.
Josh Marshall @joshtpm 13m
'Patriot' Leader Backing Bundy Warns Reid May Get His 'Balls Ripped Off' @TPM …
Phil Rogers @nbcphilrogers 21m
Senator Bill Brady says if the Obama library is coming here, let taxpayers choose to build it voluntarily by checking a box on their taxes.
Zach Zaidman @ZachZaidman 22m
Emery says #Bears have gotten some calls to trade down.
Chicago Bears @ChicagoBears 27m
LM: Emery says only #Bears LB who has starting job at this point is Lance Briggs.
Paul Kane @pkcapitol 25m
Today being Thursday -- a day ending in Y -- that means McCain and Graham will be speaking on Senate floor on Benghazi. Slated for 1:15 pm.
Darren Marlar @darrenmarlar 27m
Happy 403rd Birthday to the King James Bible today - you don't look a day over 350!
Media Spotlight--May 1
My media focus this year will be on some of my favorite subjects...the moguls, the pundits, the broadcast news biz, show business, radio, and the publishing business. (Read "$everance" if you want a crystallization of my positions on those subjects.) And, of course, I'll also keep tabs on Chicago's media.
Chicago Media
~WGN Production Guru Chris Duffy "Dies" on NBC
Don't worry, he's alive and well. He was an extra in a scene in "Chicago Fire". Here's a screen grab of his appearance...

~Loop & WKQK PD Reassigned to SF by Cumulus
This is being reported by all the trade publications. I've linked to the first one that came into my e-mailbox yesterday afternoon (Radio Insight), but there are many interviews out there. Jim Richards was with the Loop and the former Q-101 for a few years. I never met him in person, but I interviewed him on the phone for a piece in Shore Magazine. He was well-liked by his coworkers. Granted, I've been to the studios's a ghost town. I think there were only a half dozen people working there.
~Want to be PD at the Loop?
Here's the listing on the RAMP Newsletter. I couldn't help but notice that the term "music knowledge" does not appear at all. You just need to know the software. At least "talent" is mentioned in passing.
Looking for a bold, creative, strategic-thinking leader to replace Mr. Richards as OM/PD of iconic Classic Rock outlet WLUP (97.9 The Loop) & Alternative WKQX/Chicago. This position demands strong skill sets in talent management, PPM execution, digital acumen and creative writing, as well as large promotion and event creation. Candidates must possess a working background in research interpretation, Nielsen data, music scheduling software and automation operating systems. A minimum of five years of major market programming experience is preferred. Qualified applicants should rush their resume and programming package to And remember, kids... Cumulus Media is an EEO Employer.
The F.C.C.
~F.C.C Chairman Facing Firestorm Over Net Neutrality Ruling
He knew it would be controversial, but I just don't think the new FCC Chairman understood the depth of the opposition to the whole concept of allowing the big boys to create a faster "pay" lane on the internet. The only people in favor of that are the big boys. NOBODY ELSE WANTS THIS! Just sayin. Tom Taylor is sayin' it too, but just not in capital letters...
Does the famous “fast lane” pose a existential risk to companies that don't have the vast fortunes of Netflix or Amazon? FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is talking about “the manipulation of the most important network of our time, the Internet.” (In your own market, how many broadband choices do you really have?) Wheeler says there’s not enough competition in broadband and that there’s a real danger that mammoth companies will stifle “the next Google.” Critics accuse him of doing that very thing with a proposal they claim would create a privileged “fast lane,” for companies who pay a special fee to an Internet Service Provider.
~Will Oprah Buy the Clippers?
That's the speculation all over the news. I've linked to ESPN's report.
The Secret Disney/Pixar Message of "A113"
This is very cool. Did you know that you could find "A113" in every Pixar movie, and many other animated films and shows?
Want to know why? It's a secret animator tribute. Read all about it here.
Want to know why? It's a secret animator tribute. Read all about it here.
Just One Bad Century--May 1
The woeful Cubs April is in the rearview mirror finally. Let's hope it was just one bad month. It did end on a hopeful note last night as the Cubs won big in Cincy. On the other hand, there was bad news in the minor league system. Cubs top pitching prospect CJ Edwards was put on the DL because of shoulder problems. They say it's not serious, but it's shoulder problems. That can't be good. At least Jake Arietta is doing better. He will get his first start of the year this weekend.
Today we posted a whole new week's worth of historical events. On this day in 1893, the Columbian Exposition began in Chicago. Where were the Cubs? If you want to learn more about it, The A/V club today has a video that shows scenes from the Columbian Exposition. (By the way, I threw in an extra historical event for May 1--it's also the anniversary of Gary Powers spy plane being shot down over Russia. Where were the Cubs?)
Today in Wrigley history goes back to 1940. Find out why they didn't play. Hint: it's weather related, and it ain't rain.
Today's Cubs birthdays include three Cubs related figures. A shortstop that's a Joe Pepitone look alike, a minority owner who helped elect a (bad) president, and famous teen heart-throb Nick Carter. (Um, it might be a different Nick Carter, actually. This one played for the Cubs in the first few seasons of Wrigley.)
Today we posted a whole new week's worth of historical events. On this day in 1893, the Columbian Exposition began in Chicago. Where were the Cubs? If you want to learn more about it, The A/V club today has a video that shows scenes from the Columbian Exposition. (By the way, I threw in an extra historical event for May 1--it's also the anniversary of Gary Powers spy plane being shot down over Russia. Where were the Cubs?)
Today in Wrigley history goes back to 1940. Find out why they didn't play. Hint: it's weather related, and it ain't rain.
Today's Cubs birthdays include three Cubs related figures. A shortstop that's a Joe Pepitone look alike, a minority owner who helped elect a (bad) president, and famous teen heart-throb Nick Carter. (Um, it might be a different Nick Carter, actually. This one played for the Cubs in the first few seasons of Wrigley.)
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Green White
One of my on-going writing projects is writing about the history of Green White Soccer Club, a club co-founded by my father in 1956. Every month I write about one month in Green White history. This month it's 1987.
You can read it here.
Green White
Today's Best Tweets--April 30
Here are some tweets that caught my eye today...
SportsCenter @SportsCenter 30m
Oprah Winfrey considering teaming with David Geffen & Larry Ellison to make bid to buy Clippers, sources tell ESPN.
CollegeHumor @CollegeHumor 17m
Go ahead and jump on that trampoline, looks fun doesn't it? What's the worst that could happen?
Colonel Tribune @ColonelTribune 6m
This is true, but we love it. Wrigley's quirks are charming and annoying. #Wrigley100
Romenesko @romenesko 4m
No climate change talk on Fox News * Ailes won't let Shep come out * Sun-Times seeks fewer square feet * Nieman news.
Steve Scott @SteveScottWCBS 22m
#RIP actor Bob #Hoskins. Dead at 71.
KevinSmith @ThatKevinSmith 5m
Harold in LONG GOOD FRIDAY. Eddie in ROGER RABBIT. Just 2 of the memorable characters BOB HOSKINS gave to cinema: … #RIP
steve rosenbloom @steverosenbloom 4m
Now that the Bulls have been ousted from the playoffs, tradition dictates that it’s time for Derrick Rose to declare himself ready to play.
Big Cat @BarstoolBigCat 17m
Carlos Boozer's girlfriend got in a fight during the 4th quarter of last night's game …
Talking Points Memo @TPM 7m
GOP congressman falsely claims Donald Sterling is a Democrat (VIDEO):
Taniel @Taniel 21m
The worst news Rick Perry has gotten since the "oops"? Dick Morris predicts he can win:
Let it Be
From Bob Dearborn's The Olde Disc Jockey's Almanac, this little tidbit from 45 years ago today...
April 30, 1969…At EMI's Abbey Road Studios in London, George Harrison overdubbed a new guitar solo on the master take from the January 31 Beatles recording session for the song "Let It Be." He overdubbed another solo on January 4, 1970. The first overdub was used for the original single release, the second overdub solo was used for the original album release.
April 30, 1969…At EMI's Abbey Road Studios in London, George Harrison overdubbed a new guitar solo on the master take from the January 31 Beatles recording session for the song "Let It Be." He overdubbed another solo on January 4, 1970. The first overdub was used for the original single release, the second overdub solo was used for the original album release.
The Beatles
Record Companies Are Satan
This is a great example of why I believe that record companies are Satan. It involves the royalties (or lack thereof) for the gigantic mega-hit album "Bat out of Hell" by Meatloaf.
I had never heard this story before, but I've heard many other similar tales.
It's the main reason I feel zero sympathy for the state they find themselves in today.
I had never heard this story before, but I've heard many other similar tales.
It's the main reason I feel zero sympathy for the state they find themselves in today.
Turning Black & White Into Color
This is an interesting look at the past. It takes classic black and white photos and colorizes them. There's something about seeing these photos in color that makes the subjects of them seem more real. This is just one example below...(Image credits:, Colorozed by: zuzahin)
One for the Kids
In my house the date is circled (and that's definitely not my doing). Thanks to "RH" for this one...
The Clippers
I did something last night I've never done before. I rooted for the Clippers. I've been very impressed with Chicago's very own Doc Rivers. He's handling an incredibly difficult situation like a champ.
Just One Bad Century--April 30
With the loss last night in Cincinnati, the Cubs are now officially going to end April without winning a single series. Looks like we've got one more year of trolling for top draft choices.
Today's Cubs birthdays feature a journeyman pitcher who pitched the game of his life on September 9, 1965--unfortunately the opposing pitcher was throwing a perfect game. (The A/V club has a video about that game.) Also featured, a man called Jumbo, one of the first home run champs, a guy who was hit by a train, and the great-grandfather of a kid on the soccer team I'm currently coaching (true story).
Today in Wrigley history we go back to 1933 and 1949. That 1949 game features "an inside the glove home run". Hat tip to Jerry Pritikin for pointing that one out to me. There's a link to a whole story about it. (By the way, a new week's worth of highlights have been posted if you're one of those people who likes to work ahead)
Today's Historical Event is the birth of Willie Nelson. Where were the Cubs?
Today's Cubs birthdays feature a journeyman pitcher who pitched the game of his life on September 9, 1965--unfortunately the opposing pitcher was throwing a perfect game. (The A/V club has a video about that game.) Also featured, a man called Jumbo, one of the first home run champs, a guy who was hit by a train, and the great-grandfather of a kid on the soccer team I'm currently coaching (true story).
Today in Wrigley history we go back to 1933 and 1949. That 1949 game features "an inside the glove home run". Hat tip to Jerry Pritikin for pointing that one out to me. There's a link to a whole story about it. (By the way, a new week's worth of highlights have been posted if you're one of those people who likes to work ahead)
Today's Historical Event is the birth of Willie Nelson. Where were the Cubs?
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Booing Robinson Cano
Funny reminder that the people you boo are actually human beings.
video vault
Today's Best Tweets--April 29
Here are some tweets that caught my eye today...
Gawker @Gawker 1m
Nevada militias set up armed checkpoints, demand to see drivers' papers in the name of LIBERTY
Rolling Stone @RollingStone 4m
Dave Grohl recalls his first-ever listen to Soundgarden's 'Superunknown,' "Holy shit":
Lisa and Ray US99.5 @LisaandRay995 8m
A Glen Ellyn woman gave birth to a baby girl on I-88 earlier this morning!
Jim O'Donnell @jodonnell17 18m
New Ill Racing Board member Orion Samuelson to fulfill lifelong dream & call a race at Arlington International this summer?; race-o profondo
thecubreporter @thecubreporter 36m
#Cubs lead all of MLB in runners picked off with 6. Most teams (16) have either had one runner PO'd or none. (via @baseballpro)
Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome 26m
If Obama's Asia trip wasn't suspicious, why are all of his meetings taking place while Americans are asleep?
The Daily Beast @thedailybeast 28m
Magic Johnson could save the Clippers – by buying them himself
Richard Lewis @TheRichardLewis 30m
The fearless film Drunks, which freaked me starring in being newly sober, 20 nears ago,is finally on DVD and ready to stream.
Andy Richter @AndyRichter 36m
Congrats to @BryanCranston on his Tony nomination! For those who don't know, Tonys are awards for the sexiest podcasts, I think.
Chicago Blackhawks @NHLBlackhawks 1m
Been enjoying those @BlackhawksTV all access features? You'll love this GREAT Game 6 stuff!
Slang Terms For Old People
The Huffington Post headline actually says: 11 Vintage Slang Terms that Need to Make a Comeback
But because I still use seven of them, I decided maybe I should retitle it.
But because I still use seven of them, I decided maybe I should retitle it.
Where Can You Find the Most Entertaining Personal Ads?
Would you believe "The London Review of Books"?
Here's a sample: Save it. Anything you’ve got to say can be said to my lawyer. But if you’re not my ex-wife, why not write to box no. 5377? I enjoy vodka, canasta, evenings in, and cold, cold revenge.
Here's a sample: Save it. Anything you’ve got to say can be said to my lawyer. But if you’re not my ex-wife, why not write to box no. 5377? I enjoy vodka, canasta, evenings in, and cold, cold revenge.
Media Spotlight--April 29
My media focus this year will be on some of my favorite subjects...the moguls, the pundits, the broadcast news biz, show business, radio, and the publishing business. (Read "$everance" if you want a crystallization of my positions on those subjects.) And, of course, I'll also keep tabs on Chicago's media.
Chicago Media
~Roy Leonard Has a Scare
He fell down after a show at the Lyric Opera and lost a lot of blood, but Robert Feder reports that Roy is in good spirits and doing well. One of my favorite Chicago Radio Spotlight interviews was with Roy (in 2010). You can read that here.
~Live TV Version of "Grease" Coming to Fox
I hope it's better than the Sound of Music fiasco on NBC. Although, I'll admit this now. I'll be tuning in just to watch the train derail. No word on the casting yet, but if they hire the Sound of Music casting people, we'll probably see a pairing of Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian.
The New York Times Bets Big on Video
If you're a kid who wants to get into journalism, you better have some chops when it comes to video. It's the future of the business. (I know this article is in Women's Wear Daily, but it happens to be absolutely correct).
The Pundits
~The Daily Show hires Michael Che
He will join the show after the season of SNL ends. Here he is doing a recent stand up bit on Seth Meyers show...
The Radio Biz
~Radio Listening Allegedly Hits Record High
I don't want to besmirch my old industry (which I still love), but this just doesn't sound true to me. Radio Ink reports on the latest findings by Nielsen:
Despite the bombardment of new services now offering audio entertainment to consumers, Nielsen says radio listening is at an all-time high. Today, Nielsen is releasing its second quarter report called "State of the Media: Audio Today." The report concludes radio listening remains at an all-time high with 92% of all Americans 12 and older, or 244.4 million people, tuning into radio in an average week. The report also provides detail on the Hispanic and African American radio listener. Those two categories account for nearly 30% of the national radio listening audience.
~Multi-Format Success
Again, I'm not trying to besmirch this report from the RAMP newsletter, but the seven different formats mentioned here would have all fit under the Top 40 umbrella back in the day (except maybe Triple A). But it is good to see we're having a cross-cultural moment in music:
Pharrell Williams continues to forge musical history, as his now-ubiquitous anthem "Happy" becomes the first and only song to ever reach No. 1 at six different Mediabase radio formats. This week, "Happy" jumps to No. 1 at Mediabase AC, as it remains No. 1 at Hot AC and Urban AC. The song recently hit the top spot at Top 40, Urban and Rhythm, marking six total formats at No. 1. Just weeks ago, "Happy" broke yet another Mediabase record, reaching 272 million in weekly audience, breaking the previous record set by Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines" -- which, awesomely, also contains Pharrell. In total, "Happy" has charted at seven Mediabase formats -- Top 40, Rhythm, AC, Hot AC, Urban, Urban AC, and Triple A.
~The Voice of Tony the Tiger Dies
He was much more than that obviously. From Tom Taylor's column today:
Lee Marshall was the voice of Tony the Tiger, after the 1995 death of Thurl Ravenscroft, and that’s being prominently mentioned in the headlines about Lee’s death of esophageal cancer, at age 67. Aside from that signature role in voiceover work, he did tons of jobs in radio (especially news), TV and cable. Lee loved sports announcing, and he did wrestling for Turner Broadcasting. runs down the list of Marshall’s radio credits, from KCBQ San Diego, Detroit-market “Big 8” CKLW (delivering the “20/20 News”), and Los Angeles stations such as KHJ (starting in 1970), KDAY (1976-78) and KABC. LARadio’s Don Barrett says “in recent years, Lee was teaching voiceover classes at California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks...and as former Dodgers manager Tommy Lasorda said of Lee – ‘If God ever wanted to make a speech, Lee Marshall would get the call.’”
The Publishing Biz
~"To Kill A Mockingbird" Finally Becomes an E-book
In honor of author Harper Lee's 88th birthday (yes, she's still alive), Harper Collins is finally releasing the e-book version of one of the all-time great novels, "To Kill a Mockingbird". Her birthday is on July 8th.
22 Sarcastic Zen Phrases
Thanks so much "MC" for pointing this out to me.
22 Sarcastic Zen Phrases.
I think my favorite is: "Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else."
22 Sarcastic Zen Phrases.
I think my favorite is: "Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else."
Donald Sterling Sex Scandal
Is LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling racist? Yes.
Is he a lover of women? No. The Smoking Gun has a deposition about a previous sexual scandal involving Sterling and a woman who would exchange sex for money. The way he talks about her and other women is not pretty. I gotta say, these women he chooses also aren't exactly the pride of their gender either.
Then, read the comments section at the Smoking Gun. The commentors all rip him for being a Democrat. Only one problem with that: He's a registered Republican. Wait, there's another problem with that. This story has absolutely nothing to do with politics.
Is he a lover of women? No. The Smoking Gun has a deposition about a previous sexual scandal involving Sterling and a woman who would exchange sex for money. The way he talks about her and other women is not pretty. I gotta say, these women he chooses also aren't exactly the pride of their gender either.
Then, read the comments section at the Smoking Gun. The commentors all rip him for being a Democrat. Only one problem with that: He's a registered Republican. Wait, there's another problem with that. This story has absolutely nothing to do with politics.
Just One Bad Century--April 29
The Cubs didn't lose yesterday. Sometimes the Lord provides rain. They'll try to squeeze in another one today in Cincy, but the forecast calls for rain again. It's probably for the best.
If you want to go back to a happier time, This week in 1908 has been posted. It's a good week for the Cubs, although I'll warn you. It was also the week a murdering Indiana vixen mysteriously disappeared. Her story is featured, along with the man who prosecuted another mysterious murderer--the sausage vat killer.
OK, so maybe going back to 1908 won't make you happy. How about 1983? On this day in Wrigley history, Lee Elia launched his famous tirade. I'll grant you he wasn't happy, but if listening to his rant doesn't make you smile, I don't know what will. We've got the bleeped and the unbleeped version at the link.
The A/V Club today also features a comedy. Today's the anniversary of the movie "Elmer the Great". It starred Joe E. Brown as a cocky Cubs player. Did I mention it was a comedy?
Today's historical event is the death of one of our great writers, Mike Royko. His devotion to the Cubs is chronicled in an extended form essay at the link, complete with an audio clip of Royko explaining what it means to be a Cubs fan.
Today's Cubs birthdays features one of the Cubs Royko used to make fun of--who was ironically celebrating a birthday on the day Royko passed away. Two other obscure Cubs are also featured.
If you want to go back to a happier time, This week in 1908 has been posted. It's a good week for the Cubs, although I'll warn you. It was also the week a murdering Indiana vixen mysteriously disappeared. Her story is featured, along with the man who prosecuted another mysterious murderer--the sausage vat killer.
OK, so maybe going back to 1908 won't make you happy. How about 1983? On this day in Wrigley history, Lee Elia launched his famous tirade. I'll grant you he wasn't happy, but if listening to his rant doesn't make you smile, I don't know what will. We've got the bleeped and the unbleeped version at the link.
The A/V Club today also features a comedy. Today's the anniversary of the movie "Elmer the Great". It starred Joe E. Brown as a cocky Cubs player. Did I mention it was a comedy?
Today's historical event is the death of one of our great writers, Mike Royko. His devotion to the Cubs is chronicled in an extended form essay at the link, complete with an audio clip of Royko explaining what it means to be a Cubs fan.
Today's Cubs birthdays features one of the Cubs Royko used to make fun of--who was ironically celebrating a birthday on the day Royko passed away. Two other obscure Cubs are also featured.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Today's Best Tweets--April 28
Here are some tweets that caught my eye today...
Sheldon_Jokes * @Sheldon_Jokes 1h
Whenever I'm feeling sad, I just remember that somewhere in this world there is an idiot pulling a door that clearly says "PUSH".
Steve McEwen @SteveMcEwen 6m
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore is not an act but a habit."
~ Aristotle #Excellence #Motivation
Taegan Goddard @politicalwire 1m
Have Republicans finally surrendered on Obamacare?
MLB Milestones @MLBMilestones 25m
Happy 50th birthday to @Reds legend and Hall of Famer, Barry Larkin:
(Rick's note: Yikes. I'm older than a Hall of Famer)
SportsCenter @SportsCenter 51m
Crazy Stat of Day: Sunday was 1st time in MLB history that 10 pitchers went 7+ innings while allowing 3 or less hits. (via @EliasSports)
MLB Stat of the Day @MLBStatoftheDay 25m
Jose Abreu has 65 total bases – the second most since 1914 for any first-year player in a March/April. @PujolsFive had 68 in 2001.
NBC News @NBCNews 1m
Singer Paul Simon arrested on domestic violence charges.
The Onion @TheOnion 6m
[American Voices] “Glad to hear someone fixed the flaw in standardized testing.”
Gawker @Gawker 15m
Failed college prez walks away with a half million bucks, teaching students that life is rigged.
HuffPost Sports @HuffPostSports 17m
NBA players want maximum punishment for Clippers owner Donald Sterling
Media Spotlight--April 28
My media focus this year will be on some of my favorite subjects...the moguls, the pundits, the broadcast news biz, show business, radio, and the publishing business. (Read "$everance" if you want a crystallization of my positions on those subjects.) And, of course, I'll also keep tabs on Chicago's media.
The Moguls
~Rupert wonders if Google is an ethical company
He actually tweeted that this weekend. I love Buzzfeed's headline about his tweet: "Rupert Murdoch Tweet Questions Google’s Ethics, Twitter Dies From Irony"
~Remaking Ben Hur?
This one's an inside joke for $everance fans. Viacom's chairman is Sumner Redstone. If you read his autobiography, he's still pissed off that his father's movie theatre was not allowed to show the original Ben Hur when it came out. I based an entire chapter of "Severance" to this lingering anger. The main character of the book, Zagorski, tries to get fired by turning his office into an homage to his boss' most hated film of all-time, Ben Hur. Now the real Sumner Redstone has apparently green-lighted (greenlit?) a remake of the film. He finally has his closure.
The Pundits
~John Oliver's HBO Show debuts
Here's a clip from the show. There is some swearing in the clip. Probably NSFW.
~Cosmo will now cover hard news and politics
That's not a joke, by the way. They hired a writer to cover the beat of important news. I sure hope they don't use different headline writers. I'd love to see this on the next Cosmo cover: "25 backroom moves that will set him on fire". Or how about this one: "How To Back Him Off When He Invades Your Crimea".
~Future of Star Wars Will Rely Only on Past Movies, Animated TV Series
That means all of those books and comic books that took the Star Wars story line in various different directions are immediately considered invalid. I've never read any of them; just reporting this news to those of you who have.
~Four U.S. Shows Ordered Off Chinese Websites
You know these shows will wear this banning as a badge of honor. The shows are "Big Bang Theory", "The Good Wife", "The Practice" and "NCIS"
~The Other Woman
The girl's night out movie "The Other Woman" was #1 at the Box office over the weekend.
Find Your Cocktail Name
Pothole Store Goes International
An Open Letter To Bearded Hipsters
I thought this was pretty funny. It's written by a woman who used to have a beard fetish, but had to give it up because of bearded hipsters. Yes, it's harsh ("The beard has turned into the padded bra of masculinity. Sure it looks sexy, but whatcha got under there? There’s a whole generation running around looking like lumberjacks, and most of you can’t change a f***ing tire."). But if you're a gal who used to love guys with beards (my wife is not one of those gals...she could start up an anti-facial-hair group), you'll get a kick out of this article. If you're a bearded hipster, don't read it.
Just One Bad Century--April 28
April ends on Wednesday, and the Cubs still haven't won a series. They dropped two out of three over the weekend to the Brewers. Former Cubs Matt Garza and Aramis Ramirez seemed to enjoy the festivities. Last chance to win one begins tonight in Cincinnati.
Today in Wrigley history has better memories. We go back to two big wins on this day, in 1945 and 1973.
Speaking of 1945, This Week in 1945 reminds us that it might have been a great week for the Cubs, but it was a terrible week for Hitler and Mussolini. One shot himself in a bunker, and the other one was killed and strung up by his heels.
Today's Historical Event is Muhammad Ali refusing his military induction. Where were the Cubs? The A/V Club features Ali throwing out the first pitch at an all-star game.
Today's Cubs birthdays include the greatest Cubs player in history with a mustache and a last name that starts with Q, plus a trade throw-in, and a starting pitcher who couldn't strike anyone out. Over the weekend you also missed a few big birthdays; Rogers Hornsby and Hack Wilson. After you read each of their profiles, and note that their birthdays are only one day apart, you'll dismiss the notion of astrology forever.
The latest Cubs news provides one little bright spot (remembering my cup-is-half-full New Years resolution): Jose Veras won't be pitching for the Cubs anytime soon. He's on the DL. (No offense Jose, but we'll take our chances with the other guys who blow big leads).
Today in Wrigley history has better memories. We go back to two big wins on this day, in 1945 and 1973.
Speaking of 1945, This Week in 1945 reminds us that it might have been a great week for the Cubs, but it was a terrible week for Hitler and Mussolini. One shot himself in a bunker, and the other one was killed and strung up by his heels.
Today's Historical Event is Muhammad Ali refusing his military induction. Where were the Cubs? The A/V Club features Ali throwing out the first pitch at an all-star game.
Today's Cubs birthdays include the greatest Cubs player in history with a mustache and a last name that starts with Q, plus a trade throw-in, and a starting pitcher who couldn't strike anyone out. Over the weekend you also missed a few big birthdays; Rogers Hornsby and Hack Wilson. After you read each of their profiles, and note that their birthdays are only one day apart, you'll dismiss the notion of astrology forever.
The latest Cubs news provides one little bright spot (remembering my cup-is-half-full New Years resolution): Jose Veras won't be pitching for the Cubs anytime soon. He's on the DL. (No offense Jose, but we'll take our chances with the other guys who blow big leads).
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