Every Monday stop by for jokes, links to stories you might have missed, amusing photos and video, and more. Contributions and suggestions are welcome and encouraged. Click on the "Email Me" link on the right to contribute.

Joke of the Week: Contributed by "T", who by the way, is married to a woman from the South....
Down south, Bubba called his attorney and asked, 'Is it true theys suin them cigarette companies fer causin People to git cancer ?'
'Yes, Bubba, sure is true,' responded the lawyer.
'And now someone is suin them fast food restaurants fer makin them fat an cloggin their arteries with all them burgers an fries, is that true, Mista Lawyer?'
'Sure is, Bubba.'
'And that lady sued McDonalds for millions when she was gave that hot coffee that she ordered?'
'And that football player sued that university when he gradiated and still couldn't read?'
'That's right,' said the lawyer.
'But why are you asking?'
'Well, I was thinkin . . ..What I want to know is, kin I sue Budweiser fer all them ugly women I slept with?'

Stories you might have missed
1. Someone finally put a curse on the Yankees
(It won't take effect until they go into their new ballpark next year)
2. Is that the reflection of a naked lady in Dick Cheney's sunglasses?
(It looks like one to me...but then again, I have a very active imagination.)
3. Bill Buckner finally forgiven in Boston
(I actually welled up when I read this...the poor guy. Shouldn't the Cubs do the same for Bartman?)
4. Other people who should be forgiven
(I particularly like the last one on this list...and no Bartman didn't make the list.)
5. You'll never believe what John McCain once called his wife
(Warning: Don't click on this story if you're easily offended by bad language. The word is explicitly spelled out. Further Warning: Women hate this word.)

Video of the week: I can't really describe this, but it was pretty amazing to watch...

Picture of the week: Contributed by "T"--He calls this "Haircut of the year." Look at it closely.

Reader Response
Regarding Suburban Man: Blue Velvet
"Nice tux! At least you didn't have to wear lederhosen. What was your prom theme? 99 Luftbalons? Just kidding. We were just discussing my husband's wonderful lime green tuxedo and ruffly shirt, the photo of which I only saw once. I have to tear the house apart to see if I can find it, so my girls can share in the hilarity. I'm sure it's torn up or well hidden. By the way--Always with the redheads!! Must have been some kind of premonition..."
“Your frilly shirt matches your date’s dress. Please tell me you didn’t plan that.”
“Look at your date's facial expression. She’s screaming ‘I’m dating a fuzzy tuxedo! Save me!’”
"Wow. Foxy. When are the two of you meeting up with Huggy Bear?”
“You wanna know what I thought when I saw this picture? I thought–’He got a girl to date him?’”
“Nice Mustache. You look like a younger, skinnier, and less-hip Dave Wannstedt.”
"You know, I don't have the heart to make fun of you in that photo, although the hair alone is BEGGING for it. My junior prom was also in May 1980, and my date was wearing a similarly styled dark blue tux. Fortunately, he decided against the ruffled shirt, a move that I'm sure he is thankful for now, as photos like that tend to resurface and haunt you later on. Come to think of it, I had a pink dress, too, just like your date! But, looking back, the dark blue velvet paled in comparison to the powder blue tux with ruffled shirt that my senior prom date wore in April 1981! Good thing he was hot. What? You think guys are the only ones who talk like that?"

281 days until we get a new president.