Every Monday stop by for jokes, links to stories you might have missed, amusing photos and video, and more. Contributions and suggestions are welcome and encouraged. Click on the "Email Me" link on the right to contribute.

Joke of the Week: Contributed by "N"

Stories you might have missed
1. Man hurls hedgehog at teen
(In New Zealand this is just called "assault with a prickly weapon.")
2. Condeleeza's Swedish Kiss
(She's a single woman...in a foreign land...hanging out backstage with a notorious rock band.)
3. Baseball's nerd machine
(I can't decide if this is the coolest thing ever or the end of civilization as we know it.)
4. RIP: Dick Martin
(I'd like to picture these three guys hanging out at the big bar in the sky)
5. Photos from Mars
(You must admit...this is pretty cool.)

Video of the week: Contributed by "R". The song "Pork & Beans" by Weezer. The video stars every internet sensation you can think of.

Photo of the Week: The Three Candidates

Reader Response
Regarding "Suburban Man: Take Me out to the T-ball game"
"Look at it this way. Sean can probably field the ball better than Alfonso Soriano can, already! T-Ball was great, and quite similar to your experience. My son's first at bat in t-ball? He hit the ball past all the outfielders, then promptly ran to third instead of first. The coach looked sheepish and said, "Oh, I forgot to teach them how to run bases." The right fielder sat in the grass and picked dandelions (which was more preferable to the centerfielder that was picking something else). Another kid was running the bases and stopped between third and home with a look of confusion as everyone told her to "GO HOME." She actually left the base path, crying and running toward her mother, thinking no one wanted her to play anymore. Quality entertainment for the whole family (which if you film it, can provide you with embarrassing moments to mock your child with for years to come). Oh, by the way, that evening deejay on the Big 89 Rewind was really smokin'. Someone really should hire him!"
"Oh, that’s funny, because back when I was going to t-ball games with my son, we also had a center fielder who preferred gardening. She spent the whole time creating a glorious bouquet of clover in her glove."
"My daughter and I went to a Railcats baseball game this past Sunday and I bought her a miniature bat and ball. We have practiced hitting every day since then, and she’s pretty good! I wish now that I had put her in T-ball. Although, knowing her wild imagination, she would definitely be one of those kids off in la-la land as well."

232 days until we get a new president.