Every Monday stop by for jokes, links to stories you might have missed, amusing photos and video, and more. Contributions and suggestions are welcome and encouraged. Click on the "Email Me" link on the right to contribute.

Joke of the Week: Contributed by my wife
Ever wondered how a woman's brain works?
It's finally explained here in one, easy-to-understand illustration:

Every one of those little blue balls is a thought about something that needs to be done, a decision or a problem that needs to be solved.
A man, of course, has only 2 balls and they take up all his thoughts

Stories you might have missed
1. 14 radio voices
(Another piece written by my favorite magazine writer)
2. Smugopedia
(Love this...it's not a news story, but it should be)
3. John McCain's $520 shoes
(If they were Air Jordans, I could understand...)
4. Man gets two hole-in-ones in same round
("Why does he bring an extra pair of pants? In case he gets a hole in one." joke by Tommy Kaempfer, age 12)
5. Ex-Exterminator survives on bugs
(Good thing he wasn't a septic tank repairman. joke by "B")

Video of the week: "Turd Blossom Special" by Harry Shearer

Photo of the week: Now it's even happening in Green Bay...

Regarding Suburban Man: Pink Eye
"Well, at least it’s a cute-sounding disease. If chicken pox were called “Pink Pox” or if diaper rash was referred to as “Pink Butt,” wouldn’t the world be a much more civilized place? And it’s not head lice. Just trying to see the glass half full…"
"Dropped my son off at daycare this morning and they handed me a note telling me that one of the boys in his room has pinkeye...must be going around..."
"I just read your blog on the pink eye illness that has reared its head at your house, and I feel for you. My son has had it once or twice, and I've had it once as well. It's a real pain in the ass-once my son and I had it at the same time. I would come home, wash my hands, give him his drops, wash my hands again, and then do my drops for myself. I can get a laugh out of it now, but at the time it was not funny."
Regarding my song/video "We can wait 100 years"
"That's very funny."
"I loved it. I commented on the You Tube page. Good work!"
"Good one! I've heard this on Brandmeier's show...didn't know you did this."
"This is awesome! Also, I wear my t-shirt ALL the time!"
"awesome...steve goodman is laughing...leon durham, not so much."
"Lol :) nice song GO CUBS!"

"Rick--did you see this awesome review of your book? markarayner.com/blog/archives/1289"
Rick responds: Thanks! No, I hadn't seen that. I appreciate it.