After 1063 posts over the past three years, I need a bit of a break.
I have a screenplay to finish (oh so close), and I'm working on two book projects that need research and care.
So...I'm taking the month of December off from this blog.

I will still be writing my
Father Knows Nothing column at NWI Parent. I usually post those on Sunday. Check them out and please, feel free to comment. My latest "Family Room" essay is on the back page of the current magazine. It's called "
The Rest of the Story" and it's my take on Twas the Night Before X-mas."

I will also still be writing new material for my
Just One Bad Century website. In December I've got stories about the last month of 1908, Cubs with nicknames like HoJo, the Hoosier Hammerer, the Human Icicle, Jigger, and Jittery Joe, stories about some of the worst shortstops in Cubs history (you've got to read these to believe 'em), and another batch of world class mustaches. Check it out if you think of it. I'm working on two very cool new weekly features for 2009. I think you'll really like them (if you like the other stuff).
And don't forget that all of your
Christmas Shopping needs can be taken care of there for any Cubs fan on your list.
If you like
Chicago Radio Spotlight, check out my post on December 6th. I'll have links to one hundred interviews I've done the past two years. A new one, however, won't appear until next year.
I'll be back here in 2009 with all sorts of new material.
I'm thinking of trying out a few new things, but I'll still be writing about my family, my team, and my former profession (although...probably less), among other things. It just might be a little different than it has been these last three years.
So, happy holidays to one and all.
Talk to you next year.