Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We're #2!

This week's Father Knows Nothing is getting quite a bit of reaction via e-mail, Facebook, and on the site. It's a totally immature piece called "We're #2!"

Among the comments I've gotten so far...

Tina: Although I am a female, I must admit that I enjoy the occasional “male” potty humor myself. Having an older brother and father that constantly crack jokes, even today at 32 and 54, one must succumb to the saying of “if you can’t beat them, join them”!

Momkat: And let’s not forget the eternal wisdom of “He who denied it, supplied it.” But you didn’t hear it from me. And yes, I did say “but.”

ML: Oh boy, you and my former husband would have gotten along famously, Rick!!! Potty humor galore!

Bill: Good one Rick! I was laughing out loud. My whole life was the opposite. Four sisters no brothers. Two daughters no sons. It wasn't until I inherited a step son that additional testosterone entered the home. "Butt" ....that doesn't mean I didn't get your blog! (he-he)

Anita: Try disciplining your son, and in mid-yell or mid-lecture, he just stares at you and then puts his finger up his nose and pretends to dig around. Instead of yelling, you start laughing and it's all over. It's now impossible to maintain any semblance of parental power in the situation. He knows I'm an easy mark for a cheap laugh, therefore, bodily function noises and scratching himself is also used when Mom is trying to actually ACT like a parent. I don't know what I did in life to deserve so many moon shots. I thought once he was potty trained, I'd never have to see his butt ever again. I was wrong.

Feel free to add your comments at the Father Knows Nothing site. The more the merrier.