Thursday, April 02, 2009

E-mail, we get e-mails

I missed this yesterday. An April Fools Joke on WLS. From "AS"...

"So, I was listening to Mancow and Cassidy this morning (I know, I know. Don’t judge!) on WLS when Drew Peterson called in and punked Mancow for April Fool’s. While I would normally think that this is hilarious, the fact that it was Drew Peterson doing the “gotcha,” made my skin crawl. Not to mention that that he claimed that he was going to “confess” something on the air. Isn’t that like O.J. telling Nicole and Ron jokes? That ruins the whole thing for me!

I must say, it was very well played, though.

Of course, they could have set it all up with Peterson to punk the audience, since they’re supposedly “church buddies,” but I have a feeling that Mancow was genuinely pissed off. There was dead silence except for the dial tone for a good 15 seconds after Peterson hung up, followed by Pat Cassidy trying to smooth things over with a stammering Mancow. Throughout the whole thing, I kept thinking, “Is he crazy? No WAY is that guy going to confess anything on the radio!” So, it may well have been an audience punking, because I can’t imagine the guys at WLS being that gullible…..wait….these are the same folks that put Blago on the air this week. Forget I said that."