Last weekend I posted a Father Knows Nothing column called "Potty Mouth" that has been getting a lot of reaction on the blog, on Facebook, and in my e-mail box. Here are a few of the responses...
WS writes: "wish I was as daughter grew up around the hockey rink (and its language), and I was never good at keeping it Christmas (I think she was 2?) the whole extended family was gathered...she was trying to fit a toy horse in a toy truck...wouldn't fit..very matter-of-factly, she let loose a "f***ing horsie!!!!"...and went to playing with something else...either no one heard, or was too polite to show it :)"
KL writes: "We were at Thanksgiving at my sister's house in 2007 and we were trying to assemble one of those light-up Christmas lawn animals. The kids were all playing upstairs. Suddenly my nephew came running downstairs and around the corner. He came to a screeching halt in front of us and said "what the h*** is that? We all laughed so hard once he had left the room."
ML writes: "One of my sister's friends used to keep a bar of soap in the mini-van so if one of her three boys said something out of line, she'd pull over and do the deed right there!"
DB writes: "My wife and I have tried to be careful with our language around our kids, but ultimately, we don't have to wonder "where did they hear that?" I will say, when I do let slip, I apologize to my kids, and try to use it as an opportunity to explain the difference between "bad" words and acceptable words. Usually, though, when my daughter tattles on her brother for using the "S" word, she is referring to "shut up"."
AS writes: "Hi. My name is Anita, and I’m a potty mouth. I plead Italian. Ummm….we’re swearers. Especially New York Italians, which is the stock I come from. Evidently, as I was sitting in the playpen back in ‘65 or so, I ripped the head off a doll and said the “S” word and my grandfather thought it was the most hilarious thing he’d ever heard (well, guess who I got it from?). So, of course, I continued, because there was no person in this world that I adored more than Papa, and if I could make him laugh…SCORE! Flash forward about 22 years and my mother calling me at work. “DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR SON JUST SAID?” Oh no. Can’t imagine. Evidently, the apple didn’t fall far, because he broke a toy and uttered the OTHER “s” word, “sonofa….” Now, I really don’t say that one. Too many syllables. I like it quick and singular. So, I thought about it, as my mother was lecturing me about how I need to watch my mouth around my son, because he’s “at that age…” and I interrupted, “Mom….where is he right now?” “On the deck with your father.” “Mom….what is Dad’s favorite phrase?” Dead silence. “Exactly. Now, go lecture your husband.” Click. I’m sorry. I’ll try to do better. Can’t speak for Dad, however…"
JP writes: "I’ve never known anyone who’s actually had their mouth washed out with soap. I wish I could be that hard-core but I too, could never do it. Sounds like you handled this perfectly, though. Especially placing the soap right next to him. Brilliant."
Annie writes: "my mom’s thing was lying. she used to make us bite down on a bar of soap…not to get a lot, just to make a point. it sure straightened us out!"