"SL" sent this to me regarding my Father Knows Nothing column about Sean's first cup...
"A little known fact....The first testicular guard "Cup" was used in Hockey in 1874 and the first helmet was used in 1974...That means it took 100 years for men to realize that their brain is also important."
"DB" sent this to me regarding my story about Mike Royko...
"Saw your piece this morning on the legendary Mike Royko. I never had the chance to meet him, but after I discovered his column, I read it everyday that I could all through high school and college. I either started the day or ended it by reading his column. I wanted to get into journalism because of him. I changed courses into radio, though. I still have his last two books...now, I have to go find them and re-read them...That is a great story. Thanks for sharing it!"