Friday, October 21, 2011

Another Twit in the Wall

Over the past few years, every time I met a fellow author and we discussed the various different platforms we use to promote our writing, they were always shocked that I hadn't yet joined Twitter. "You have to be on Twitter. It's essential."

I didn't want to do it. I really didn't. I'm a little overextended as it is. But with a brand new novel coming out in a few weeks, I buckled. I joined Twitter yesterday. And now, after pathetically asking you to "Friend" me on Facebook a few years ago, I must now also beg you to please follow me on Twitter.

Here's my Twitter page.

I promise to be brief. Of course, I have no choice. 140 characters is the limit.

Now can someone please explain the whole hashtag thing to me? I'm serious. I need some help. I'm a technical moron.