Friday, December 20, 2013

Duck Dynasty Suspension Backlash

Inside the Conservative Media bubble...

Duck Dynasy is a show about southern white conservative Christian hunters...the five most oppressed groups in America.

Last week the star of the show only ripped people who could never understand what oppression really feels like (blacks and gays), and was somehow suspended for it, which naturally caused a firestorm.

Why does America insist on oppressing Christians merely for saying that gays are rightfully oppressed (the bible says so) and blacks were happier when they were oppressed (they sang in the fields, didn't they)? Because America, the most Christian nation on Earth, obviously hates Christianity.

And that, boys and girls, was today's glimpse inside the conservative media bubble. Now you'll know what is causing your relatives temples to throb when you see them over the nationally instituted Christmas holiday.