It only costs $5.99.
Were you hoping to buy "Father Knows Nothing" as a present for someone else? You can do that with an e-book too. It's actually one of the most perfect late Christmas gifts you can purchase, if you think about it. There's no delivery required. This little graphic will show you how to do it...
Nearly every Eckhartz Press book is also available as an e-book.
You can find their e-books here...
Rich King's Back in the Game
John Records Landecker's Records Truly Is My Middle Name
Bruce Bohrer's Best Seat in the House: Diary of a Wrigley Field Usher
Joel Daly's The Daly News
David Stern's The Balding Handbook
This Eckhartz Press author (Randy Richardson) has two books available as an e-book...
Lost in the Ivy
And that's not all (he said, using his best K-tel Records voice). These two guys below (Rick Kaempfer and Brendan Sullivan) wrote the very first book for Eckhartz Press, which was also our very first e-book.
The Living Wills E-book
Wait a minute? Isn't that Rick guy also the same guy who wrote Father Knows Nothing? And isn't that available as an e-book now too?
Yes it is. Right here.
And please, if you do purchase any of our e-books via amazon, review the books there, especially if you like them.
That's a good way to help us spread the word.
Thanks to everyone, and happy holidays!