Monday, August 01, 2016

I Want My MTV

Big anniversary for the music-television giant. I remember it's debut like it was yesterday. I was in college and it was THE biggest story ever when our dorm-cable system got MTV. From this morning's RAMP newsletter...

Perfectly timed to today's 35th anniversary of the launch of MTV (now how old do you feel?), the channel currently known as VH1 Classic is being rebranded today as MTV Classic, and will be pumping out of all those shows that helped built the brand formerly known and loved as "Music Television" into a viewing destination for all the cool kids in your neighborhood back in 1981. As Variety reports, "The new-old network will make its debut with MTV Hour One, a replay of the exact first hour of programming MTV aired, and then segue into a Total Request Live retrospective, followed by a best-of run of MTV Unplugged."

This was the first video they ever aired...