1. Six Tips for Writing a Science Fiction Novel
The tips are courtesy of science fiction author K. Eason via Writer's Digest.
2. The Nook is on Life Support
There are many reasons this is true, but here are a few you might not have heard. From the blog, The Passive Voice
3. 65 Authors Share their tips for new writers
Some great stuff here.
4. No, the printed book is not dead!
It's important to keep this in mind, despite the hype. From the New York Times.
5. Writing errors even published authors make
You'd be shocked. It'll make you feel better.
6. New genre: Adult Children's Book?
This is just the latest example, and it comes from our publishing company Eckhartz Press. It also comes with a video...
7. Bobby Skafish's "We Have Company" now available via Eckhartz Press
Our latest book is a great read for anyone who loves rock and roll...