Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Not the president of the whole country

 I watched Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on one of the Sunday shows this weekend, and he was talking about what was happening in blue states as opposed to Trump's America. Um, I'm pretty sure that he is the pesident of all the states, not just the ones that voted for him. This president literally doesn't give a crap about more than half of the country. He's actively, intentionally fomenting a civil war, and will not say the first word to calm the situation. The Washingotn Post put it this way in their editorial this morning...

His acolytes at last week’s Republican convention argued that Joe Biden’s America would descend into anarchy. In fact, the unrest now engulfing cities is in Donald Trump’s America. For voters wondering what a second Trump term would hold in store, here it is: a country steeped in hatred.

He would have voters believe the anger arises from an enemy within. “Most of Donald Trump’s America is peaceful,” White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said Sunday, on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” The violence, he contended, is confined to cities led by Democrats, like Portland. Could any expression of a nation at war with itself be more explicit?