Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Vicki Quade

 Thank you to the Comedians Defying Gravity blog at Chicago Now for the shout-out to Eckhartz Press author Vicki Quade...

Vicki Quade's Nuns4Fun has released Christmas Bingo: It's a Ho-Ho-Holy Night. Vicki's shows are a celebration of laughter for all denominations! The show is available for streaming through December 27. Tickets are $20 and support the retirement fund of the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago. Tickets and streaming information at ticketleap.com.

Vicki's new book Close Encounters of a Chicago Kind will be published by Eckhartz Press in time to make a great holiday gift. If you follow her on social media, you know that the award-winning playwright has a gift for inspiring strangers on the street to divulge their most interesting stories and secrets. The book promises to reveal true Chicago encounters from "the bizarre to the dangerous." Vicki has a knack for connecting with everyone she meets and for highlighting our shared humanity even in the most unlikely circumstances. Purchase the book here.