Thursday, August 12, 2021

Fake News

 We can thank the former president for popularizing the term "fake news". He used the term whenever he didn't like a story. Of course, he also created fake news. All the time. So did his attorney, Rudy. From today's Washington Post...

During the February 2018 interview to try to determine if FBI agents had leaked him sensitive information, Giuliani’s then-law partner and counselor, Marc Mukasey, opined that the standards for truth-telling are different in electoral politics than in legal matters.

“In the heat of a political campaign, on television, I’m not saying Rudy necessarily, but everybody embellishes everything,” Mukasey said.

“Oh, you could throw a fake,” added Giuliani — who in addition to serving as mayor of New York from 1994 to 2001 also spent eight years as a federal prosecutor in the city.

“You’re under no obligation to tell the truth,” Mukasey replies, according to the transcript. To which Giuliani repeats, “You could throw a fake.”

An agent then said, “Fake news, right?”

Mukasey replied, “Right.”

There is another word for Fake News, as this portion of the article implies. The word is lie. At it to the list of more than 30,000 verifyiable lies.