Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Eckhartz Everyday


*May 4, 1970 was the Kent State Massacre. Eckhartz Press author Mitch Michaels was actually there that day, and told the story from his perspective in the pages of his book Doin the Cruise.

*Today is George Will's birthday. George is a political commentator, yes, but he's also a big Cubs fan, and an owner of a copy of EveryCubEver. (Photo)

*On this day in 2018, Eckhartz Press author Tom Weinberg (Chasing the Lost City) appeared on WTTW's Chicago Tonight. See more about that here.

*Today is novelist Jim Korkoris' birthday. Jim is a big fan of the Eckhartz Press book In Small Boxes. Here's what he said about it: At times, poignant, sad and very funny. A wonderfully unique coming of age story. We will all see pieces of ourselves and our lives in this book.