Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Eckhartz Everyday

*On this day in 2014 we released I Like Big Books and I Cannot Lie by Lori Oster (photo). The book is used as a textbook at Oakton College.

*Dick Biondi is 90 years old today. The Wild Itralian is featured in the pages of Bob Shannon's book Turn it Up.

*Today is also Chicago Tribune columnist/WGN Radio host Rick Kogan's birthday. Rick has been kind enough to blurb a few of our books. Here are a few of his obversations...

  • Rollicking and real on so many levels, The Living Wills is a captivating collaboration by two immensely talented writers. I hope this team keeps at it for keeps.

  • Records Truly Is My Middle Name is terribly astonishingly honest! A story of a generation.
  • You may think you know Roger Badesch if you have listened over the years to his exact and artful news reports on radio, but between the covers of this book (The Unplanned Life) you will find so much more–a man of great depth, many passions and skills. His is a wonderful life that you can now share.
  • A fascinating book…a fascinating read. Mob Adjacent will open your eyes. The stories are true and genuine and heartfelt, and there’s a real honesty in this book.