Monday, June 26, 2023

Meet the Eckhartz Press Author: Lou Macaluso

   Now that we have such a big stable of talented authors, we're going to take some time this year to re-introduce them to you. This week it's Lou Macaluso, author of Leaving Glory for Greatness

Lou Macaluso


Lou Macaluso lives in Chicago with his wife and pet greyhounds. Following a career as a high school English teacher, he established himself as a notable author with six published books and several short stories.

  • “Lou Macaluso has captured the very soul and spirit of a man that I thought I knew and loved. Now I know so much more and wish I could have my friend back for one more conversation.
    Some men get to the mountaintop and shout out all the great deeds they have done and shout their name as well. LaMarr Thomas never mentioned his great deeds and would only whisper his name. Thank you, Lou, for taking LaMarr to the mountaintop and shouting out his name. This book is a must read for all who want to know about a great man who only wanted us all to love one another.”

    --Tom Dreesen, comedian, actor, author, motivational speaker