Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Publishing Portal--August 6, 2024

The latest news from Eckhartz Press, and a chance to peek into some of the great previous offerings from our humble little publishing company.

Happy Birthday!

=Eckhartz Press author Becky Sarwate is celebrating a birthday this week (August 8). In 2018 and 2019 she co-wrote two different editions of the book Cubsessions for us. Still one of our favorites. Have a great birthday, Becky!

To the Men I've Loved

=Coming soon, the launch party for Pat Motto's brand new memoir, To the Men I've Loved. We just found out there will also be an appearance by the Tree Top Tappers.

The Loop Files

So this was a nice surprise. Kelly Duff is a blogger who just posted a list of her five favorite books she has read this year. #1 on the list is The Loop Files. Thanks Kelly!

Your Dime My Dance Floor

=This week in 2018 (August 9), Chet Coppock officially released his Eckhartz Press book Your Dime My Dance Floor. (Q&A with Chet). We had a book launch party in Arlington Heights, and it was like a trip down memory lane for Chet as his former co-workers came out to cheer him on. That's Mike Davis, Jim Modelski, and Tom Serritella.

=A few people featured in Chet's book have birthdays this week. Lee Corso (August 7), Whitney Houston (August 9) and George McGinnis (August 10). The last two are also featured in pictures with Chet below...

In Small Boxes

=This week in 2016 (August 10), Eckhartz Press released the memoir In Small Boxes written by Ann R. Wilson. Ann had a great launch party in her hometown...

Bob Sirott

=The WGN Radio morning host has been a big supporter of Eckhartz Press over the years.  He endorsed the book Life Behind the Camera by Chuck Quinzio with these words...

  • Anyone in broadcasting will be fascinated by Chuck Quinzio’s TV and radio adventures. I thought I heard Chuck’s best stories during my time working with him in the TV news business, but he saved the best for this book! His writing talent makes it a great read for everybody.

    Bob Sirott, WGN Radio

=Bob also contributed several stories to John Landecker's book Records Truly is My Middle Name, and was interviewed by Randy Richardson & Becky Sarwate for Cubsessions. Bob is celebrating a birthday this week (August 9). Happy birthday Bob!

1001 Train Rides in Chicago

=This week in 2018 (August 5), Eckhartz Press author Richard Reeder appeared on WCGO radio (Playtime with Bill Turck)...

 Noes Over Toes

=When Janet Sutherland-Madden's mother passed away in 2019, one of her final wishes was to donate a hundred of Janet's books (Nose Over Toes) to the UIC Department of Neurosurgery. That wish was fulfilled this week in 2019 (August 5). The book is now being given out to patients who are afflicted with brain aneurysms. That's Janet with Dr. Konstantin Slavin

Surviving Sue

=Thanks to everyone who came out to Woodstock Public Library last week to see Vicki Atkinson's presentation. It was a nice turnout at a beautiful library.

Signature Shoes

=One of the very first signature shoes was worn by tennis star Rod Laver (born August 9). A decade later, basketball star Patrick Ewing (born August 5) debuted his own signature shoe. Both are featured in Ryan Trembath's book.


Records Truly Is My Middle Name

=This week in 1997, this famous video of the great movie trailer voice over artists debuted at the Hollywood Reporter Key Art Awards

=One of those five men, John Leader, is also featured in John Landecker's book Records Truly Is My Middle Name. The two Johns went to college together and worked in radio together in Michigan during their formative radio years. This photo of the two Johns is in the book.

Back in the DDR

=This week in 2013 (August 6), the Heidelberg American Middle School closed it's doors for the final time. That school plays a critical role in Rick Kaempfer's novel Back in the DDR. One of the scenes at that school will be featured this Thursday on Rick's blog as a free excerpt.

The Daly News

=Legendary Chicago newscaster Fahey Flynn was born (August 6, 1916) and died (August 8, 1983) this week in history. His longtime co-anchor Joel Daly delivered Fahey's eulogy. That entire moving eulogy is in the pages of Joel's Eckhartz Press book, The Daly News.

Doin' the Cruise

=One of the most memorable passages of Mitch Michaels' book is about the crazy times he experience at ChicagoFest. That music festival debuted this week (August 8) in 1978. The cover photo for Mitch's book was taken there, on Navy Pier.

=This week in 1979 (August 5), just a few weeks after Disco Demolition, the Loop was back at Comiskey Park. This time it was a mega-concert called A Day at the Park. Among the acts on the bill that night, Journey. Sky Daniels and Mitch Michaels were on hand to introduce the bands. (Photos: Paul Natkin). 



We Have Company

=This week in 2004 (August 8), the Dave Matthews band made headlines when their tour bus dumped a load of human waste into the Chicago River. Unfortunately, there was a boat tour going on at the time. Bobby Skafish got the first interview with Dave Matthews after that unfortunate incident. It rates a full chapter in Bobby's book We Have Company.

The Unplanned Life

=Roger Badesch posted a fun excerpt from his book last week on his Facebook page. He is becoming his father!

Mob Adjacent

=One of the joys of the Gentile brothers (Jeff & Michael) book Mob Adjacent is the way it intersperses Hollywood and the Mob in Chicago. Eddie Fisher was born this week in 1928 (August 10). One of the funnier sections in the book involves mob wives arguing about the merits of allowing Eddie Fisher to perform in mob nightclubs after Eddie was so cruel to his first wife Debbie Reynolds. Mob Adjacent was a finalist for Chicago Writer's Association Book of the Year in 2020.

Behind the Glass

=Yes, Randy Merkin was a sports-radio producer, and yes most of the stories in his book Behind the Glass are about sports figures. However, he also has at least one story about booking a guest who would become the president of the United States. That former president, Barack Obama, is celebrating a birthday this week (August 4)


=We really could feature the book EveryCubEver every week because it's filled with so many stories from this week in history (every single week). But we try to dole out those mentions only when they tie in to something unique. This week's birthday boy, former Cubs pitcher Rich Nye (August 4), qualifies as unique, because he's one of only a handful of Cubs featured in EveryCubEver who have also had their photograph taken with the author of the book Rick Kaempfer.