Happy New Year!
2006 marks the official beginning of my blog (http://rickkaempfer.blogspot.com). If you are on this e-mail update list, it means I think you’ll appreciate and enjoy at least some of the daily entries on my blog. Every Monday I’ll send out a brief e-mail detailing that week’s upcoming entries. If nothing catches your eye, simply ignore it. If something does catch your eye, I’d recommend bookmarking the site. It will save you the struggle of remembering the spelling of my name.
The blog will have a regular format.
=Every Tuesday I’ll debut a new edition of my humor column about parenting, marriage, approaching middle age, and life in the suburbs. I call it “Suburban Man.”
=Every Wednesday I’ll have another episode of “The Bald Minute.” This short vignette, co-written with my bestest, baldest buddy Dave Stern, will feature bald humor from our upcoming humor book “The Bald Handbook.”
=Every Thursday I’ll dip into my extensive archives to feature humorous highlights from my radio days (producing “The Steve & Garry Show” and “The John Records Landecker Show”) and my earlier free-lance writing material (including essays, columns, articles, songs, interviews, and excerpts from plays, TV scripts, books, and novels).
=Every Friday I’ll do a recap of the week’s news, featuring strange stories you might have missed, my take on some of the big stories, plus your comments, suggestions, and observations (which are strongly encouraged by the way—e-mail me here or click the e-mail link on the blog). I’ll also keep you up to date about my novel “Severance,” which is currently in the hands of my editor.
=On Saturdays I plan on featuring guest-bloggers. It could be anyone from any walk of life—including you. Let me know if you want to contribute. This blog will have a very eclectic and semi-influential audience, so if there’s something you want to get off your chest or there’s something you’ve always wanted to say; here’s your chance.
=On Sundays I’ll be posting my latest published pieces from magazines and/or newspapers.
If this sounds like something you don’t want to be bothered with, let me know, and I’ll take you off the e-mail list. If you know anyone else who would like to be included, please send me their e-mail addresses. If you want to send any posting to someone, simply click on the envelope at the end of that particular posting.
This week on Rick's Blog:

Tuesday , Jan. 3: Suburban Man…The day I realized I had become Suburban Man. It involves a mini-van and a song by AC/DC.

Wednesday, Jan. 4: The Bald Minute…Combovers.
Thursday, Jan. 5: From the Archives…My award winning essay: “Living Life to it’s Fullest”

Friday, Jan. 6: This week (News and Views about Uranus, Cold Germans, Jeff Reardon, The Who, and Bill Clinton among others)
Saturday, Jan 7: Guest Blogger…New papa Dave Stern writes a very politically incorrect essay about the lack of sympathy new fathers receive (compared to overly-pampered new mothers).
Sunday, Jan 8: SHORE MAGAZINE ARTICLE from Winter 2005 issue…”The Santa Threat”
Thanks for checking it out, and I hope I can bring you a laugh or a smile whenever you come back.