The Cubs are in the midst of a pennant winning season.
*On the day that the big 3 hitters in the Cubs lineup all homer (Rogers Hornsby, Hack Wilson & KiKi Cuyler) to beat the Pirates 4-3 in Wrigley Field, President Herbert Hoover authorizes the building of the Boulder Dam. It's later renamed "The Hoover Dam."

The Cubs are in the midst of one of their most memorable seasons.
*Ron Santo knocks in the winning run in the bottom of the ninth (with a sacrifice fly) to beat the Pirates 5-4 in Wrigley Field on the same day that Warren Burger is sworn in as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

The Cubs are hoping to make the playoffs for the first time since World War 2.
*Jody Davis walks with the bases loaded and the Cubs beat the Pirates in the bottom of the eleventh inning at Wrigley Field. Meanwhile, Susan Lucci is trying to decide which dress to wear for the Daytime Emmy Awards, certain that she couldn't possibly lose the Emmy for the fifth year in a row.

The Boys of Zimmer are taking Chicago by storm.
*The Cubs get crushed in San Francisco by the Giants (12-2) at the same time Susan Lucci gets crushed at the Daytime Emmy Awards...losing for the tenth year in a row.