When FIFA awarded the 2022 World Cup to Qatar, everyone (with a brain) immediately thought it was the worst idea ever. After all, the temperatures are in the 120 degree range during the summers there. Even if they build air conditioned stadiums (which they promised to do), the fans would still have to walk to and from games in that insane heat.
So, another genius suggested they just move the World Cup to the winter. It's much nicer in Qatar (only 90 degrees or so) in the winter. What could make more sense than moving an event that has been staged in June for a century to a completely different season simply because they stupidly awarded it to the wrong country? I don't believe I'm going to write this next sentence, but here goes: I agree with Fox.
They are objecting to the latest idiotic plan. Good for them.
Move the Cup to another country, brainiacs.