FreedomWorks is the organization that essentially runs the Tea Party. Next time you hear Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh defend or publicize them, you might want to keep this in mind: They are paid to do so. From Tom Taylor's NOW newsletter today...
Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh helped FreedomWorks do fundraising, says Dick Armey. Beck got $1 million or more in 2012, says the former leader of FreedomWorks, but he now thinks the deal yielded “too little value” for the money. Conservative activist Dick Armey says Rush Limbaugh had a similar arrangement, but he’s not sure how much money changed hands. Armey, who left Freedom Works last year, tells Media Matters “I put it down as basically as paid advertising for FreedomWorks by Beck.”... There was talk of “embedded media programs” in association with Beck and Limbaugh, and word that the two personalities had helped the organization raise nearly $1.3 million. Armey says the original terms of the Beck deal were for $250,000, but that “it took on a life of its own…all of a sudden, we were paying Limbaugh as well as Beck.”
Embedded media programs? Let that terminology sink in for a second. Now that we know for sure that Beck and Limbaugh's words during their programs (not during commercials..."embedded" in the actual program) are for sale, can we as a nation just officially agree not to ever again take anything they say seriously?