1. Steve Martin's advice for how to "make it"
2. Five Ways to Improve Your Book's Description
Once you've written your book and the finish line is within your grasp, you have a tendency to slack a little when it comes time to write a description of your book. This is a gigantic mistake. This article gives you a few good tips to help you through the drudgery.
3. Why Having an English Degree Is More Useful Than You Think
English degrees are widely mocked by society at large, but the writer of this piece presents the other side of the story. The true side.
4. New JK Rowling Story About Magic
Yes, it's about magic, but it's about Native American magic. More info at the link.
5. Google Copyright Takedown Requests
If you have a Youtube channel you may have already noticed this, but wow are they getting aggressive in pursuing copyright claims. Youtube and Google shoot first, and ask questions later. According to this piece, the number of claims jumped 75 million over the past month.
6. Blogging IS self publishing
The author of this piece points out something bloggers have known for years...blogging IS self publishing. Every blog post is published. For a writer, there's no better writing practice. Take advantage of it.
7. Monkey in the Middle Book Launch Party
The party is tonight! Come one, come all. 8:30pm.