Friday, March 08, 2019

Fox News

Margaret Sullivan is the media writer for the Washington Post. She serves as the watchdog of the media, including her own newspaper, and I believe has been very fair in calling out bad behavior on all sides. Yesterday she wrote about Fox News, and delivered this scathing analysis...

So, yes, Fox News can continue to function as something close to Trump TV. It can go on spreading disinformation.

But everyone ought to see it for what it is: Not a normal news organization with inevitable screw-ups, flaws and commercial interests, which sometimes fail to serve the public interest.

But a shameless propaganda outfit, which makes billions of dollars a year as it chips away at the core democratic values we ought to hold dear: truth, accountability and the rule of law.

Despite the skills of a few journalists who should have long ago left the network in protest, Fox News has become an American plague.

I've been saying it for a decade, often to deaf ears. I believe Fox News is the reason our society is so divided now. One side may be presenting the news with a slightly liberal bias, but at least it's delivering the news. Fox News presents fiction as news. And then uses the existence of that fiction, to "prove" that the other side is not reporting news.

"Why aren't they reporting Seth Rich was murdered by Hillary?"

Because it's not true. It's fiction. Fox News is the worst thing that has happened to America in my lifetime.