Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Publishing Portal--August 13, 2024

The latest news from Eckhartz Press, and a chance to peek into some of the great previous offerings from our humble little publishing company.

Happy Birthday!

=Vicki Quade (Close Encounters of a Chicago Kind) is celebrating a birthday this week (August 15). Vicki came to Eckhartz Press after meeting us on this podcast. She was already well known in Chicago for her play Late Nite Catechism. Her book is a character study of the people in Chicago who she meets on the streets. Very funny and insightful.

The Loop Files
=One of the biggest stars in the book The Loop Files is also celebrating a birthday this week. Happy birthday (August 13) to Danny Bonaduce...


To The Men I've Loved

=Tonight's the Night...

Happy Anniversary!

=This week in 2022, William Wagner's book Talking Bout My Generation was released by Eckhartz Press. The book is about what happened to Pete Townshend's guitar after he threw it into the crowd at Woodstock. Naturally, the book was released on the anniversary of Woodstock (August 14)

=That same week (August 12), Will appeared on WGN Radio to talk about it.


Last Comiskey

Surviving Sue

=Thanks to everyone who came out to Vicki Atkinson's book club at the Palatine Library last week. Vicki led a two-hour discussion about her book Surviving Sue with this great group of ladies.

Truffle Hunt

=Brent Petersen's foodie novel Truffle Hunt came out almost ten years ago on Eckhartz Press (2015), but Brent is still writing and talking about food. He hosts the popular podcast Destination Eat Drink, and writes for the website of the same name. This week he even wrote about truffles. 

Turn it Up

=This week in 2017, on the anniversary of Elvis Presley's death (August 16), Bob Shannon released his book Turn it Up. The book is about that first generation of disc jockeys who helped make rock and roll famous.

 Safe Inside

=The same week in 2017 (August 15), we were preparing to release the book Safe Inside by Lee Kingsmill, and began taking pre-orders. That book was later awarded honorable mention in the Book of the Year awards by the Chicago Writers Association. It was greeted with reviews like these...

  • “The best books expand our humanity by the vicarious experiences and opportunities for compassion they provide. Lee Kingsmill’s Safe Inside is just such a book. It’s rich and textured, filled with family dynamics, religion, sexuality, the refuge of the imagination, the sanctuary of movies, and most of all, the depth, truthfulness, and complexity of humanity.”

    Michael Lister, New York Times Bestselling author of Blood Work
  • “This beautifully written and sensitive novel about growing up in Chicago in the 1940s and ’50s and falling in love with the movies is that rare thing, a story that totally recreates a vanished world. Every detail of both place and character is so closely observed and evocative that you feel like you are there. ”

    Dan Callahan, associate editor of Simon Media Works and author of "Barbara Stanwyck: the Miracle Woman," and "Vanessa"

Hugh Hefner's First Funeral

=Pat Colander's book won the Book of the Year from the Chicago Writers Association in 2016. They always say you can't judge a book by its cover, but let's face it, with this book you can. The cover photo is the handiwork of the great Chicago photographer Barry Butler, who is celebrating a birthday this week (August 11).

=This is Barry's original photograph...


Everything I Know I Learned from Rock Stars

=This week in 2018 (August 17), Bill Paige launched his great rock and roll interview book in his home town (at the time) Austin, Texas. Here are a few photos from that launch party.

=Three of the rock stars Bill interviewed in the book are celebrating birthdays this week, Joe Jackson (August 11), Mark Knopfler (August 12) and Belinda Carlisle (August 17)

Andrea Darlas

=The local Chicago radio newscaster has been a big supporter of Eckhartz Press books over the years. She provided a testimonial to Janet Sutherland's book Nose Over Toes, appeared on the radio with Patti Vasquez and Cameo author Beth Jacobellis, and also invited EveryCubEver author Rick Kaempfer into the WGN Radio studios. Andrea's birthday is  this week (August 11).

  • I was truly captivated by Janet’s story…from front to finish! I laughed out loud and even welled up with tears as I read page by page of her journey. Janet is a survivor in every sense of the word. When anyone else (including myself!) would have given up, Janet persevered. Whether it was through the help of her parents, her beloved dogs, her friends or her co-workers, Janet’s journey is one everyone should know about. She makes me “stop and smell the roses” at the end of every chapter! As a friend and former co-worker, I have always looked up to Janet, but now I truly admire her courage, her strength and her humor.

    Andrea Darlas, WGN-Radio


Your Dime My Dance Floor

=Eckhartz Press author Chet Coppock literally knew everyone in the sports world, including wrestler Hulk Hogan (born August 11) and NBA Hall of Famer Magic Johnson (born August 14),  Both of them appear in Chet's book...

The Daly News

=This week in 2014 (August 12), Joel Daly was interviewed by the Chicago Bar Association about his book The Daly News. In addition to being a famous Chicago news anchor, Joel was also a practicing attorney.


=This week in 2020 (August 13), Kipper McGee appeared on the One on One podcast to talk about the second edition of his media book, Brandwidth.


We Have Company

=Another week, another birthday of a rock star who appeared on Bobby Skafish's radio show, and subsequently, in his book. This week it's the late great David Crosby (August 14)

Records Truly Is My Middle Name

=John Records Landecker has done a great job getting out there and promoting his book. This week in three successive years (2013, 2014, 2015), he was making appearances. In 2013 (August 11), it was the Morning Show Bootcamp in Chicago. In 2014 (August 11), it was in Georgetown, Illinois. In 2015, he appeared on the Justin Kaufmann show on WGN Radio.