Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Publishing Portal--October 1, 2024

The latest news from Eckhartz Press, and a chance to peek into some of the great previous offerings from our humble little publishing company.

Happy Birthday! 

=Four Eckhartz Press authors are celebrating birthdays this week. Happy birthday to Mob Adjacent author Jeff Gentile (September 29), Chili Dog MVP co-author Dr. David Fletcher (September 30), 1001 Train Rides in Chicago author Richard Reeder (September 30), and Signature Shoes author Ryan Trembath (October 4).


=Want to hear some podcast interviews with the birthday boys? Listen to Jeff talk about Mob Adjacent. Listen to Ryan talk about Signature Shoes. Listen to Dr. David Fletcher talk about Chili Dog MVP.

New Book Release!

Worth a Second Look

Worth a Second Look is the book that every movie fan should have at their disposal when they can’t find anything to watch. Super Movie Fan and author of Oscars Biggest Mistakes Eric Litt handpicked 200 films that are either underrated, a forgotten hit, a hidden gem or a guilty pleasure from the past 50 years. This book is full of recommendations for terrific films that deserve to be seen again from almost every genre from action to comedy to horror to holiday. There is something in this book for everyone. (Available for pre-order now)

Another New Book Release!

Staying Alive is a lot of Work

One day Pat Camalliere was finally enjoying her family, newfound success as a historical mystery writer, and singing in a classical chorus, passions she had put off during her forty-year career in medical administration. The next day she found herself struggling to survive after being diagnosed with advanced tongue cancer. With knowledge gained from a lifetime in the field of medicine, as a writer of character driven novels, and as a cancer patient herself, Camalliere walks readers through slices of her life growing up in Chicago, relating moving experiences with detail and humor, demystifying the day-to-day struggles of a cancer patient in a way few can do. There is no one better to explain the cancer experience from diagnosis, chemotherapy and radiation, through side effects and recovery. Although staying alive is a lot of work, personal efforts to understand cancer and the people who treat it can ease the journey to recovery. This memoir will benefit anyone who has or has had cancer, their loved ones, and all who treat and support cancer patients. (Available for pre-order now!)

Meta Stories

=Meta Stories is one of our stellar 2024 releases. This week we had a chance to sit down with author Dr. Joe Novak and talk about the book. The Q&A is here.

*To Nudge the World

=Another successful book launch...


=This week in 2017 (October 3), two of our books were named finalists for CWA Book of the Year. We Have Company by Bobby Skafish in the non-fiction category, and Out the Door! by M.L Collins in the fiction category. 

=The same week in 2017 (October 5), Eckhartz Press author Randy Richardson received a national award

=This week in 2018 (October 5), two more of our books were named finalists by the Chicago Writers Association for Book of the Year. Doin the Cruise by Mitch Michaels and Ken Churilla in the non-fiction category, and Safe Inside by Lee Kingsmill in the fiction category.

=This week in 2020 (October 2), Roger Badesch's book The Unplanned Life was also named a finalist for Book of the Year.

The Loop Files

=Our top selling book is still making the rounds...

Nose Over Toes

=Janet Sutherland was on WLS Radio last week to promote her annual walk for the Brain Aneurysm Foundation. Thanks so much to Ray Stevens for having her on his show. You can listen to it here.

=Janet was recognized at this weekend's walk (the 10th annual) for her tireless work as the foundation's Ambassador for the past twenty years. A letter of thanks and recognition from Congressman Sean Casten was presented to Janet at the walk. Congrats to Janet!

Behind the Glass

=Rest in Peace, Pete Rose. Randy Merkin writes about his encounter with the all-time hits leader in his book Behind the Glass. Here's a video of Randy telling that story...


=This week in 2008 (October 5), EveryCubEver author Rick Kaempfer was interviewed by CBS-2 TV just as the Cubs were ending their playoff run. At the time Rick was still concentrating on his Just One Bad Century website. It would be another ten years before EveryCubEver was completed. The sixth edition is out now. Working on the 7th edition for next Opening Day.

We Have Company

=This week in 2016 (September 30), Bobby Skafish held the launch party for his book We Have Company. It was a star-studded event at Toons on Southport Avenue. In the photos below with Bobby...Greg Solk, Rick Kaempfer, Johnny Mars, Emily Skafish, Dane Placko, and David Stern.


=Also, two of the rock stars featured in Bobby's book are celebrating birthdays this week. Live Aid's Bob Geldof (October 5), and Fleetwood Mac's Lindsay Buckingham (October 3, photo below)

Everything I Know I Learned From Rock Stars

=Speaking of rock stars, the immortal Jerry Lee Lewis was born this week in 1935 (September 29). Bill Paige features an interview with the Killer in the pages of his book.

=This week in 2022 (October 4), Bill Paige made a return trip to Chicago (He now lives in Thailand) and played a gig on the North side of the city. Eckhartz Press publisher Rick Kaempfer was there to cheer him on.

Pat Cassidy

=For years Pat Cassidy reigned supreme on the Chicago airwaves as the morning co-anchor at WBBM-AM (with Felicia Middlebrooks). He also managed to find his way into two Eckhartz Press books. That's Pat in Rich King's memoir Ike & Me (along with fellow WBBM pros Jim Benes and Bernie Tafoya), and there's Pat in Mitch Michael's memoir Doin The Cruise. Two very different books, but with one significant similarity...Pat Cassidy. Pat's birthday is September 30.

Close Encounters of a Chicago Kind

=This week in 1971 (October 1), the Chicago Reader was founded. The Reader has been a champion of Eckhartz Press author Vicki Quade her entire career. This is the quote they provided for Vicki's book Close Encounters of a Chicago Kind...

  • “I love observational journalism. When a writer simply listens and watches, and interprets a story through their senses. Chicagoan Vicki Quade is that kind of writer. She beautifully captures the small nuances of movement and conversation that make Chicago what it is—a city of people, a city of neighborhoods, and a city of a million stories, big and small.”

    — Tracy Baim, publisher, Chicago Reader

=By the way, Vicki has a new stage show: Holy Ghost Bingo: God, Goblins, & Games, coming to the Beverly Arts Center for one performance only, Friday, October 18, and to the Madison Street Theater in Oak Park, on Sunday, October 27.

Truffle Hunt

=Today (October 1) is World Vegetarian Day. We have a few vegetarian authors at Eckhartz Press, but only Brent Petersen incorporated that into his novel (Truffle Hunt).  Before he even wrote that fun foodie novel, Brent explained his vegetarianism in this essay. The money quote: “I am not a vegetarian because I love animals, I am vegetarian because I hate plants.”

Life Behind the Camera

=Not to brag, but how many authors have a photo of Sting (born October 2) holding a copy of their book? Chuck Quinzio has one. 


=Media strategist Kipper McGee appeared on a podcast this week in 2017 (October 2) to discuss his book about the media, Brandwidth. The podcast is called Voices of Vision. 


=One of the most popular Cubs podcasts is called Club 400, and this week in 2018, Cubsessions co-authors Randy Richardson and Becky Sarwate appeared on the show to talk Cubs. You can still listen to it here.

Transatlantic Passage

=One of the most colorful soccer players of all-time, Zlatan, is celebrating a birthday this week (October 3). Paul Banks writes about Zlatan in his Eckhartz Press book. He also once got close enough to the legend to snap this photo...

The Unplanned Life

=This week in 1979 (October 4), Pope John Paul II came to Chicago to make a few appearances. Eckhartz Press author Roger Badesch was there covering the event as a newsman at WKQX. His report from that time, which is found in the pages of The Unplanned Life, includes a description of what it was like hanging out in a scrum of reporters outside the Cardinal's house (where the Pope was staying). Roger passed the time waiting for his Holiness by doing "latch-hook." He created something for his daughter's room.  

=This week in 2021 (October 5), shortly after his book was released, Roger announced his retirement from WGN. 

Embrace Retirement

=This week in 2018 (October 4), Russ Fahrner (far left) and Bruce Bohrer (far right) appeared on WCGO with Bill Turck to talk about their retirement book...

Tony LaRussa

 =The former White Sox manager, who is celebrating a birthday this week (October 4), has appeared in multiple Eckhartz Press books. You'll find him in the pages of Ike & Me by Rich King, as well as in the book Your Dime My Dance Floor by Chet Coppock. Both books have pictures of LaRussa as well...(notice Jerry Reinsdorf is in both pictures too)


Your Dime My Dance Floor

=This week in 2018, Chet unveiled the promo video for his book...